Monday, November 15, 2004

My Shity Conspiracy Theory

I was watching T.V. one day and I saw a commercial. I had seen this commercial many times but on one particular time I picked up a detail.

The commercial was for toilet paper and how they could make it softer or something....and they had women on there feeling certain fabrics.

Mayhap you saw it.

Anyhow I noticed that every one of the women had wedding bands on.

I know its an odd thing to take notice of, but there was a specific camera shot of each of the women's hand feeling the fabric and the wedding band was clearly visible. Not thinking about it more than that I continued my watching of the picture box unabated.

Then I noticed it in other commercials.

It appears that if you're a woman that seems to be over the age of 25 in an advert, you must have a wedding band visible at some point in it.
I've tried to take note of this when ever I watch commercials but it escapes me most of the time. Then I saw another one with this man asleep on a bed holding his baby child, also asleep, in his arms and this advert clearly showed a wedding band on his hand.


Is the media trying to brainwash us(more so than normal) into thinking that if we are women over 25 or are any one with children we must be married? Or is it just some commercials I've seen and not in all of them.

Or is it I'm just paranoid with too much time on my hands?

It certainly wouldn't surprise me though if C.O. America was putting these small subliminal things in adverts as some sort of"Moral Guide".

I would like your thoughts on this. Take notice to commercials and tell me what you think.

Dig It.

A Tribute to all us D&D geeks

Everybody's Free (To Wear Stoneskin)

Ladies and gentlemen, of the Wizards college of '99 Cast Stoneskin.

If I could offer you only one tip for the future Stoneskin would be it
The long term benefits of stoneskin have been proved by mages. Whereas the rest of my advice has no basis more reliable than my own, Meandering experience

I will dispense this advice Now

Enjoy the power and beauty of your first level. Never mind, you will not understand the power and beauty of your first level until you've reached 30th.
But trust me In twenty years, you'll look back at character sheets of yourself and recall in a way you can't grasp now How much possibility lay before you and how fabulous you really were

You are not as munchkin as you imagine

Don't worry about chronomancy. Or worry, but know that chronomancy is as effective as trying to solve The Tomb of Horrors by throwing in a dagger. The real troubles in your life are apt to be psionicists that cross your worried mind.The kind that mind probe you at 4 pm on some idle Tuesday

Attack one monster, everyday, that scares you

Dancing Lights

Don't be reckless with other people's magic items Don't put up with people who are reckless with yours


Don't waste your time on rules Sometimes you're ahead, sometimes you're behind The race is long, and in the end, it's only with your DM
Remember the platinum pieces you receive Forget the coppers If you succeed in doing this, tell me how. Keep your old spell scrolls Throw away your old potions


Don't feel guilty if you don't know what you wanna do with your life The most interesting people I know didn't know at first level what they wanted to do with their lives Some of the most interesting demi-gods I know still don't
Get plenty of treasure Be kind to your party, you'll miss them when they're gone

Maybe you'll get poisoned Maybe you won't Maybe you'll get life drained Maybe you won't Maybe you'll reach 40th levelMaybe you'll do Otto's irresistible dance on your 75th wedding anniversary Whatever you do, don't congratulate yourself too much Or berate yourself either Your choices are half chance So are everybody else's

Enjoy your spell book Use it every way you can Don't be afraid of it, or what other people think of it It's the greatest item you'll ever own

Magic Missile

Even if you have nowhere to do it but in your own living room Read the directions, even if you don't follow them Do not read clerical books, they will only make you take damage.

Get to know your party You never know when they'll be gone for good Be nice to your familiars They're your best link to your past And the creatures most likely to stick with you in the future

Understand that adventurers come and go But with a precious few you should hold on
Work hard to bridge the gaps in Greyhawk and the Forgotten Realms 'Cause the higher level you get The more you need the people you knew when you were young
Live in the Abyss once, but leave before it makes you hard Live in Mount Celestia once, but leave before it makes you soft


Accept certain inalienable truths Levels will rise, rogues will philander You too will get old, and when you do You'll fantasize that when you were young Character classes were reasonable, Paladins were noble And munchkins respected their elders
Respect your trainers Don't expect anyone else to teleport you
Maybe you'll kill a Tanar'ri Maybe you'll kill a wealthy Dragon But you never know when either one might come back
Don't mess too much with your haste spells Or by the time you're 40 you will look 85
Be careful of whose equipment you buy But be patient with those who supply it Advice is a form of nostalgia Dispensing it, is a way of fishing the past from the disposal Wiping it off Painting over the ugly parts and recycling it for more than it's worth

But trust me on the stoneskin

Thursday, November 11, 2004


For the past few days I've been feeling nostalgic.

But Fall always seems to do that for me. Its when I seem to treasure my memories the most, even if those memories aren't fall ones.

It is remembrance Day. So naturally I'm nostalgic for a time when people thought war was a bad thing, and didn't feel eager to strike pre-emptivly.
I thought the first world war taught us that.
I hope they believe its worth it. Bastards.

I never had any of my family die in either of the great wars that I know of so I'm certainly not the expert on the 11th of November. I just want the world to be a better p;ace and I would like some indication that humanity has learned something from all those casualties.
Better luck next time I suppose.

I'm nostalgic for a time when the holidays meant something, like when you were a kid. All the bad stuff in life seemed to slip away when all your cousins and family friends would gather at one special place and there would be food, gifts, and fun had by all. Now all the family and friends have moved off and we count how low our pocket books are at the end of the holidays instead of our blessings. I know its tough especially if you don't have a lot of money, but once in a while I just want to remember how it used to seem even though even back then it wasn't perfect.

The smell of Egg Nog. The taste of candy canes and foreign oranges.
The sound of cats bounding into heaps of crumpled and ripped wrapping paper. It was brilliant!

In these times I feel Nostalgic for my Cottage aswell. My grandmothers guest house that in our early year spent the night in,and then our later early years living in. It was the days in my early teens when sneaking out at 3 am to walk to the 7-11 was a great ball of bouncing fun. Now I do it cause I have a shitty sleeping schedule and I'm hungry.
We were such "bad asses". While street kids in L.A. were shooting speedballs for the first time, we....The Canadian bad boys were out switching "For Sale" signs from one lawn to another.
I know what your thinking"WOW...You guys gave Marlin Brando a run for his money!" We felt like we did, and that's all that mattered.
One night we(Me, my cousin Kris, and my cousin Marc) were on out running around doing the "For Sale Sign Switch"
when a cop saw us and flashed his lights. We ran, but he was gaining.
All month before this my cousin Kris, who was living in the cottage at the time, had this"How to Learn the Ways of Ninja" book.

C'mon, when your 14 that shits cooler than an Elvis Sunday.

Anyhow , we had dashed into this yard and the cop pulled in. In our desperation we took the advice of the book and we blended into the scenery or this persons yard. It appeared that it worked! Because the cop looked around and then started towards this persons door. As soon as the cop was questioning the person at the door we booked it. We ran and ran...Through the bushes...Through an ally and headed straight for the beach access near there. We ran along the beach until we reached my grandparents beach access. We slithered our way into the yard and back into the cottage without detection.

We must have hid for half hour on the floor of the cottage bedroom in complete darkness. What a night! ;) At least it was for the 3 of us.

That was back in 92 I think.

I'm even nostalgic for the later years where we would all get completely drunk and complain about how much sex we weren't getting. Well those of us that told the truth that is.

If you're reading this you know who you are!

Or simply for the days when I had the damn place all to myself.

Those days were from 94 till about 00 off and on.

I have a place to myself now but its not the same. In some ways it's better and in some ways it's not better. I have the place to myself for sure, but I live in Ontario now. This means all my family and friends at at LEAST 3000 miles away. Except for my fiance ofcourse, she's only 500 or 600 miles away and in the U.S. So I'm pretty alone out here.
Oh sure I have friends out here but I've only known them for about a year or so.
I'm grateful for them though none the less.

I think I've dribbled on long enough for you to get my drift.


Saturday, November 06, 2004

4 Things.........

Alright Listen up because this is real important.

Well it is to me.

Lets hope you agree.

There are a lot of good things in life and some people would say things like"If I had that my life would be flippen sweet!", whatever that may be.
But I believe universally that there are 4 things that can keep your life relatively healthy and stable.
Anything other than these 4 things...Can either fit into these 4 things or is just icing on the proverbial hockey rink.

1. Good Food.

Everyone likes a good meal. Good food makes us feel good and is usually(not always) good for us. Never under estimate how good an excellent cup of coffee
can be even though the matter may seem trivial. Food is one of life's many small pleasures, and its good to have otherwise we'll die.

2. Good Sleep

Its amazing how a good 6-8 hours of sleep can make such big problems not so big anymore sometimes. In addition a good sleeping schedule I find is key to having a stable mind. I know this because my sleeping schedule is fucked and I've seen the messy alternative. I'm seeing it right now in fact but I know that once I hit the hey, everything will be well when I wake.

This is assuming I wake at all..............Oh dear.........


3. Good Sex

This is one carnal desire I believe no one shall disagree with. Sex is a powerful thing whether it's tender, slow and intimately beautiful and bonding, or whether your just pounding(or being pounded) the fuck out of against a fridge(watching porn on the built in T.V. no doubt) shouting"Harder you fucking bastard YES YES UUUUGGHH!!!" ....and so on and so fourth.
Its beautiful either way whether you choose someone for life, or have it every night with some one else.

Its just healthy and fun.

4. A Good Shit

Now now don't get disgusted or frightened just yet, wait till I explain...or at least try to ;) This is mostly a male thing I think but I could be wrong.
whether we want to admit it or not, having a good"movement" is gratifying.
It feels nice and its healthy as well.
Ok you can get disgusted now if you want. You will either understand what I'm saying or you won't. That's just life. Just don't under estimate this either. You certainly won't in 40 or 50 years time;)
We don't like to talk about it but we all know that it can all go wrong at the wrong times. And it smells bloody awful. So when it goes right, praise the man Jesus or who ever you want to, SAY GAWD BOMB!!!

Anyhow, that's my piece for today. I know some of you have other things that you believe is required but you're not me. Besides it probably fits into one of these categories.

Time is an illusion.
Lunch time doubly so.

Friday, November 05, 2004


Anger has never been one of my good emotions but,I'm going to try my hand at it.

I'm pissed. At everyone. Yes there are some recent events that made me feel this way but enough of this relevance bollocks.

Lets look at the U.S. fucking election first.

I'm not all that educated on all the info about the current president but I know what stupid is and America apparently has plenty of that!

Was everyone in a fear coma the past 4 years? I know I wasn't.
I don't care about the issues really. Not right now.

G.W.B. is a fucking moron,even watching him talk is evidence of that. Never mind the dead soldiers and the wasted money and the loss of Americans civil liberties. I myself was a victim to the loss of liberties while trying to visit my fiance in the year of 2001. They detained me and searched all my personal stuff including my wallet without my consent. I was dressed in a suit,a top hat and black nail polish. Ofcourse I was a terrorist being I stuck out like a sore thumb and all,but we know that's what all terrorists are trying to do :P

Its just going to get worse now all because some Southern Gits that are still fighting the civil war want a "Good Ole Boy" in the White House.


You think that all there is to fear is terrorism from over seas?! What about what's in your own back yard?!
Your economy is shit! Most everyone in the world hates you! Most of you fucks that voted for Bush don't even know what its like to be poor or helpless!
Get sick or get cancer and THEN tell me how good Bush is going to do by you!

Get a clue. New York didn't vote for him and THEY were the ones hit with planes! How is that fight against terrorism going anyhow?

Right that's done then.

Number Two....

There is a fucking invention out now I just saw on the teli.

Its a fucking fridge and a T.V. all on one.
I'm not Joking its true.

What kind of Lazy fuck needs a T.V. ON their fridge! The effort that went into making that could have gone into better schools! Or the environment! Or fucking Aids research!
But I understand. You all want to get fat. That's great.
I'm not sure that part of the rant was real important but something had to be said for human idiocy.

Number Three

Drunk Drivers and Rapists

You all deserve the Clorox Flu shot.

Nuff Said.

Number Four.

tobacco companies

I just love those people that profit off addiction legally don't you? And all you cunts that claim to enjoy smoking. Your addicted. On top of that your making the air for the rest of us harder to breathe. Don't justify it by telling us its your choice! You fucks are addicted and are too stupid to admit it. Your wasting your money by giving it to people that don't care about you or anyone on this planet.

Drop Fucking Dead!

Your all Cunts! and Just remember, There is a Dick out there Just waiting to fuck you silly and sideways with barbed wire!

that's about all the hate and anger I'm going to excrete for one day.

I feel better already! :)

Thursday, November 04, 2004

The Story of Big Joe

Here is a story I wrote. I want you to dig it.
If you don't that's ok too.


Big Joe

This is a story about my friend Big Joe as you might have guessed but if your not sure please read the title again and that should clear things up for you. Big Joe was as you probably guessed"Big"but he was more than that. Big Joe was (and probably still is) a 6 foot 8 inch tall (six foot ten inches tall with his motorcycle boots) native american(or Canadian as it were)man with long black hair down to his waist and a face that looks as if it were carved out of the earth itself. He also had a strong physique,and when i say strong i mean strong as in"lets go for a stroll and pick some tree's along the way"strong. Built like a brick shit house on lead stilts.
He wore faded blue jeans,motorcycle boots as i have said,and a t-shirt of some kind some of witch said things like"Oh Canada! Your homes on native land" or "TRUE GRIT". Over the shirts he usually wore a leather biker jacket and he always had a pair of cheap sunglasses.
I remember i met him in Walmart. I had just finished meeting with some friends in the mall and i was on my way out when i saw the man of the above description arguing with one of the older female employee's. He wasn't really arguing,more like replying calmly to accusations of stealing.
It went something like this.
"Sir you haven't answered my question" said the woman
"about these?" asked the large man holding up a bag of chips.
"I saw you trying to put those into your jacket...i SAW you"
"That can't be so. My Jacket is not hungry,these are for me to eat"
"Don't you get smart with me!"
"Don't play that way with me! I'm calling the manager!"
"Oh Good. Maybe he can help me pay for these so i can leave. This store is a crazy place with crazy people. You need to relax."
Then a manager took the chips from the large man and escorted him out telling him he may never return. And there he was standing outside the Walmart looking as puzzled as ever.
I went over and offered him a beer from the six pack i had in my back pack.
He thanked me but he said that now wouldn't be a good time to start the drinkin. Since it was around 2 in the afternoon i was inclined to agree with him,even though i was the one that offered. He did seem like he needed it after all. "I'm sorry about what just happened man" I said, "Wallmart are a bunch of jackasses,especially in this town."
"People don't treat you this way in Moosejaw" he said. I laughed at this.
"This is Kelowna , British Columbia Canada man,its the great yuppie oasis" I said." the great desert that is rationality and tolerance in which these creatures cannot thrive." It was now his turn to laugh.
I don't know why i did this but i felt i had to. He seemed a man in need of sanctuary,and that was one thing i did have. It was called the The Cottage. The Cottage was a guest house on my Grandparents property which was a nicely sized home on the lakefront. It was a place where my friends and i could go and stay through our teenage years on weekends and such. On many occasions over the years a couple of my cousins moved in and out of the place,as me and some of my friends did as well. I was living there currently and I loved the place,as my cousins and friends did as well. So i decided to tell Big Joe where it was and that if he needed a place of solace that he could come there at any time. He looked at me and smiled then and told me thank you and put his big hand on my shoulder. Then he simply got up and walked away.
I watched him for a while as he walked out of the parking lot and out into the street. After which i went to catch the bus back to my home The Cottage.
There I was,2 weeks later at about the same time in the afternoon at The Cottage with my earphones on. I was playing my drum kit to the music that was coming from the shiny LP that played on the modern laser driven turn table of my time. It was Black Sabbath,one of my many favorites. I could hear the drums reverberating in the small square living room and into the small kitchen that lay in view beside it. This was what made up The Cottage except for a tiny bedroom and a bathroom with a small shower in it. It was home though,and i was jamming like hell in it. I'm getting off topic though.
So there I was,eyes closed and running with the beat when all of a sudden i heard a beat i never heard in the song"War Pigs" before. Turns out it was The Cottage door slamming,and i knew this as soon as i opened my eyes. The cool breeze was also a dead give away. But even so I was surprised to see Joe there standing in my living room.
I stood up and greeted him immediately with a hello as the phones slipped off my head.
"Hey man...what's goin on?" I said.
"Well I was out this way when it occurred to me that i had a spare 48 beers in my trunk and I thought i would share em with you today if you're interested."
"That's not a bad idea,but isn't it a little early?"
"Bah!...Its nine in the morning somewhere"
"Its after that time now in fact"
"Yes...The world is a wonderful place" he said.
* * * *
It was a mere six o'clock in the evening when the beer ran out,and you could just picture the shape we were in. Most of the images I do remember from the rest of that day were at a forty five degree angle or completely sideways,so you could imagine what it probably looked like from an outside perspective.
After we saw the booze was gone we did what any other 2 drunkards would have done in our place.....
Go for a walk.....
I had only had 15 of the beers in those 4 hours...or maybe it was 17....not point is that Joe had more than 30 in that time...
The day,as said above,seemed not like a day but a collection of Polaroid's or slides in memory form taken in the angles stated above. Many of these stuck out in my mind but i'm afraid only a few are worth describing. Which should be ok given the potent qualities of these few.
Slide 1-
Angle-45 degrees
Description-I see my grandmothers house in front of me.......I'm in the yard next to the cottage....The Dog "Rascall" is running out of the house barking and heading straight towards Joe. Joe is reaching for his rifle....."No" i want to shout..but that doesn't happen. What happened instead was a sensation that felt like a waterfall in reverse in my throat and right after that the green green grass in front of me was not so green anymore. As it turned out Joe wasn't reaching for a rifle but for a piece of jerky instead.
Its hard to distinguish the difference when the mind is in such an illegal state.
I don't see my grandmother in this slide...she must be out....thank whatever twisted Gods run this reality. Its not really a slide show is it...more like small movie clips taken by a limping camera man. So I'll apologize for the inaccurate description above and then get straight on with the next bit. Incidentally the only thing interesting about this clip was the totally unnatural shade of blue in the vomit. I'm just going to leave it at that for now.
Slide 2-Part 1
Angle-Normal at this time
Description-I see a contraption with various logo's on it. Its a slurpee machine.......I must be in 7-11. I was in 7-11. I was pouring some blue goo for myself.( I guess that explains the above situation ).I remember smelling something that could only be described as"wet crotch" when i turned around and saw one of those pre-pubesant inbred homie types.....and yes...was as white as the wash. He was a fat fucker...that much I saw...and he started saying things to me that sounded like insults. I was being made fun of. Where was Big Joe? I thought. Ah yes he's standing outside. I pushed past the walking twat rag in a hostile manner.
Slide 2-Part 2
Angle-Slightly off normal
Description-In this shot I see I'm still in the 7-11. I am across the store the doors,completely across the store from the slurpee machine and the blubbery rap junkie.
Where is my slurpee?......ah yes there it seems to be hovering in mid air. No...just flying in slow motion. Events like flinging the rest of your slurpee at a bleached version of the Notorious B.I.G. are always in slow motion at the time.
Slide 2-Part 3
Angle-A flat 90 degrees and then changes(see below)
Description-There is commotion....and laughter...everything is sideways...the laughter is coming from me...and a round form spattered with blue...kind of resembles marble running towards where I am....I can feel the ground shake.....oh wow the floor is disgusting! time to feel revolted at that now....the bounding ghetto is getting closer......I feel myself levitating......everything is shaking now like in the blair witch...Joe is carrying me off......the fat bastards friends are chasing us.....and I'm mumbling and giggling. I think I said something like...
"hehhehehe......fuckn locomotion man.....gona need a whole lot!.....he's gona need a big parachute to stop him....."
We managed to escape unharmed. Even Joe couldn't contest with that many in the state he was in. I think they had pipes which was also a factor of retreat.
Slide 3
Angle-Normal but shaky
Description-Blaring music....everything is shaking.......and I really need to piss....
I can see that i must be looking out the back window of a vehicle......but i was doing this facing the back window......this is strange i thought.....i should be turned around if i want to look out the back window......but i wasn' I was looking at the back roads of the Okanagan forest...we're going uphill into the mountains......Joe is beside me driving......he's leaning out the back to see where we are going.........ah he's in reverse.....but going very very fast while doing it.......odd that he'd be going in reverse all this way on a back road up a mountain.(The Next part of the story will offer some explanation as to why this is so don't worry too much)What's blaring so loud?......its.......ZZ Top!...Sharp Dressed Man to be exact......its been on for a while I think....too long.....odd...
Eventually I remember the music stopping and birds were chirping. The smell of pine tree's was in the air and it was getting quite dark out.......and soon everything faded into blackness.....

* * * *

I woke to the sound and smell of a crackling fire as well as cool morning wind on my face. I opened my eyes to see Big Joe handing me something on a stick. Dear God...I felt like I came in second in a fight with an Iron android copy of Mike Tyson with barbed wire gloves and spiked shit kickers. On the end of the stick was a white mound...slightly toasted.
"Eat up buddy"Big Joe said. "Everyone knows marshmallows are a good cure for hangovers"
"Really?" I said.
"Well no i don't think so,but they have to be good for something. They're the cats ass"
"Indeed" I said,taking the marshmallow and eating it up promptly. I sat up and took a long drink of water. That's when I saw the car in its full splendor.
The thing sat about thirty feet from our camp site. The make was undistinguishable exactly but we know it was a large vehicle(or a lot of large vehicles put into one) from the late 70's or early 80's. It was a two door and it looked kind of like a Camero or a Lincoln town car...somewhere in there. The colour was an interesting shade of brown,a mixture of tan and rust. There was definitely a lot of rust. There were no hub caps which was no surprise to me at all.
When it started it sounded like the cry of a buffalo being put into a wood chipper but when it was running it sounded more like a whole bunch of old men clearing their throats and coughing....but continuously.
Joe said he got it cheap off the reserve and I believed him. I was also shocked to find that it was insured and perfectly legal to drive. The next few facts will justify my shock at this.
The only gear working in it was reverse,but it was still able to go its top speed anyhow.
The inside was alright except for the dash board. Some sort of mishap with fire had happened to it because all of the dash boards instruments were all melted together in a giant mess of black plastic. You couldn't even see any of the dials or instruments like the fuel gauge or the speedometer. When I asked Joe if that was a problem he simply told me that he always knew when his tank was empty and how fast he was going through intuition and certain guttural wheezing from the old men in the engine block. The worst part about this torched dash was the tape player was completely fused. The volume was always on max no matter what and there was a mix tape with "Sharp Dressed Man" by "ZZ Top" on it. Its one of those tapes annoying people make. You know the people who really really really like a song so they make a whole tape with one song looped over and over again? This was one of those. So no matter where we went Joe would be driving backwards and Sharp Dressed Man would be blasting at a deafening volume. This fucken car barreling down the road was like a big shaky charging rhino with bald tires and lots of billowing smoke. The police stopped him many times only to find out the car was perfectly road worthy according to Joes license and registration papers,which he proudly displayed usually with a shit eating grin on his face.
So there we were sitting in the forest on the side of a mountain on a warm summer morning eating marshmallows. "You offered me the solace of beer when my soul was sucked away by the Walmart spirits and for that I thank you" Joe said.
"It was nothing" I said, "I hate that fucken place"
"You know,you should come to de powow next saturday at the reserve. Your can meet Chief Edgewise Stoneface" he said.
"Maybe I'll do that Joe. Hey thanks for the night out. I haven't had a night like that in a while."
"No trouble buddy." He Said. "Anyhow I should get you back to your Cottage for now..this fucken Car needs a sparkplug!"
"My friend Adam knows about cars,you should go talk to him. He's probably got some extra parts plus he's a cool guy too you'd like him" I said. "I might just do that" he said.
So I told him where Adam would be lurking and then we got into the ravenous reservation mobile and drove off.
We pulled into my grandparents driveway and right away,even over the cars loud gurgling I heard the barking of "Rascalion!" the dog.
"Take care of yourself Tom,and remember........never kick in your neighbors taillights when they're lookin" Joe said. "Er thanks Joe" and I laughed very hard then."Having troubles with your neighbors Joe?"
"Nah. Just some advice my father gave me a long time back. It was such unique advice i figure everyone should be enlightened."
"I see. We should do this again some time. Until then have a good day"
" We will definitely. Bye now"
And with that he left, tearing out of the driveway like a screaming smoke breathing Rust Dragon with the ZZ Top roar.
Alone and hung over I walked into the yard and into the Cottage. The blue puddle I seemed to leave was gone and by good luck was blamed on the dog. Nice. From there I stumbled my hung over ass in and dropped in the bed where I dreamed strange dreams which were caught no doubt in the dream catcher hanging from Big Joes rear view mirror.

The End

Story Writen by: Thomas Olsen

Inspired by a Character Created by: Adam Oke

Powered by: Earl Grey Tea


Too Much Consumption of Earl Grey Tea May Result in the Miss Use of Your Creativity

Please Drink Responsably.

Monday, November 01, 2004

The Mistake


I went to a Halloween party last Saturday. It was all good. I was dressed sharper than seven paper cuts dipped in lemon juice so I was feeling good. I even made a "Punk Rock Pumpkin" which was a normal small green pumpkin, carved and I used carrots for a Mohawk. Very Amusing so it was and everyone loved it.

This party went fairly well until someone decided to offer me some brownies.

These were not ordinary brownies however. I was not mislead, they told me what was in them. I myself believe that pot really isn't that big of a deal and the only reason I haven't tried it in the past was because I don't smoke, and I don't want to smoke....ANYTHING. But if they were baked into something I said to myself I would give it a go.

And so I did.

I was drinking a little that evening but not as much to say I got drunk. Because I didn't get drunk. Anyhow , when the time came to pass some around I took one, and the party continued unabated.

Nothing happened.

So an hour or so after hanging out some people asked if the sinister chocolate was working on me, and it wasn't not to my knowledge. They told me to have another. So I did.

Nothing happened.

A few friends and I decided we were going to now go off to the Goth club"decent". Which was a good Idea considering if you're ever going to go,Halloween is the night to do it. Also it would be a crime to not show off how particularly good I looked that evening. I would also see other neat costumes I thought.

Anyhow I snagged a third brownie before we left.

Now apparently one of these should have been enough, so three would in theory put out a charging heard of space elephants. That's what they say anyway.
We leave for the bar,then as it happens we got to the bar. Wonders never cease.

It was in the club when it hit me.

I was suddenly stuck in a state that I can only describe as"un-clever" or "anti-cleverness". It was like a fog of Dumb had descended upon me.
I sat in a chair for a while, then I stood for a while, then I went back to sitting.
In that time I had four women hit on me altho I hardly noticed because I was too busy watching my I.Q. skyrocket downwards.

what's all the hype about? The rap songs, The T-Shirts, The Hippies, The Political Party, what's up with this drug and why do people like it?

It makes you unable to really DO anything! It sucks dry your every ounce of wit! You laugh at the stupidest of things and you look even stupider than that stupid thing you are laughing at!
I couldn't think my way out of a wet paper bag!

I Hate Wet Paper Bags ;)

If Ambition ever had a single arch enemy then Pot would be it.
I've had more fun getting drunk and then regurgitating my entire stomach!

Time moves slow too while your all buggered up on this stuff and that makes it even worse. Safe to say that I'm never touching the stuff again.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not against the product. If you like it then by all means do it. I just don't understand why. I've experimented with magic mushrooms and I had a fucking blast! You got funny tickley tingles all over you, you thought abstract thoughts that no one ever thought possible , people watching you are entertained AND you don't become"un-clever" I would do it again giving the circumstances so its not like this is an anti-drug rant. Do what you want as long as your not killing people, operating heavy machinery,serving the MAN,or getting addicted and wasting my tax dollars on getting a primate off your back!

Anyhow, I just don't understand what all the fuss is about. I've had to drink tons of tea just to get my wit back to optimum level.

that's my piece

Dig it.