Wednesday, October 18, 2006

I’ve HAD it, with these Mothafucken Zombies, on this Mothafuckin Train!!

Greetings all.

I think I just had the most fun weekend I’ve had in a long time.

Zombie Walk 2006 was this weekend and I had me a good ol’ blast. The day progresses thus ..

My band mate and I get up and work a bit on a song when we realize it’s getting very near zombie time, so we zip off somewhere to get some rope. I ask what he wants rope for, and he replies” I need it to make a noose”.
Fair enough I say and off we go to a hardware store we get rope, go back to the apartment and start getting all dead looking. Neal did something great, he took the rope and put a coat hanger in it, so when he was done it looked like the rope was sticking right up in the air, well, the rope that wasn’t around his neck anyhow. Then he tied a tree branch to the top…..very nice! He even one a Prize later that night at the after party.

Here is a pic of us.

Here is a pic of me.

No that isn’t my girl, I’ve been getting that question a lot. That little lady belongs to my friend Scoob….lucky sod!
She had to get her pic with me when she saw how I looked though….but we’ll get to that part soon. Anyhow we get all jazzed up and we end up being almost late so we call a cab.
Cabby doesn’t blink an eye at zombies getting in his cab…especially one with a rope around his neck defying gravity. He must have been through a lot. We are driving along when this native lady just…walks into traffic.
After cabby screeches to a halt the lady taps on the window and asks, “You got a light?”
Cabby says “ No Sorry”
She says” FUCK YOU!”


Well we drive away…she got off luck, some other poor sod would have said “Fuck Me?! FUCK YOU!” and then proceed to nail her with a car door.

We get there and see the spectacle. Over 800 people showed up to shamble downtown for a few ours in their best zombie gear. As Dr. Who would say…


We started the walk….and the reactions were great, a mixture of horror and uncontained amusement. We hit 8th Ave and we see the McDonalds there, and before you knew it, everyone was pressed against the window moaning and chanting BRAAIINSSS!!!

After that we kept on walking, and you can find pics of us doing this here.
We shamble up all the way to 17th Ave here in Calgary. Some car ended up honking at us. You can tell he was annoyed, but it was our light so I don’t know why he did it, but man, that’s the WORST thing he could have done. The last thing you want is for a bunch of zombies to pay attention to you, and so a bunch of them did….we over and surrounded the car…moaning and being disgusting. No Vandalism or anything though, we were good.

The walk continued for a bit more and then like that it was over. Scoob and his girl showed up and took the pics you see before you.

….or so you think it was done, most of us just kept on going. We passed by a shop that had a sign that said “No Shirt No Pulse No Service” and then we all wandered through the foyer of the Science center, after all this we all shambled on to the C-Train. Then someone shouted the title of this blog. YAY.

It was shortly after that…that the walk was over, the dead dispersed and all was relatively normal until that night when we all gathered at the Warehouse night club for the after party. I danced for 3 straight hours with some lovely dead women. I met someone I hadn’t seen in a very long time and almost got stung by some sort of creature that had the facade of a woman…I think you all know the kind I mean…they are spawned by, The Valley….I still hurt from that evening…but it was a blast.

On another subject, my band mate and I have completed another tune it seems. I’ll have a link to it as soon as it is ready. It is Neal’s song, I only contributed about 10% of the work but it was still a good time. We had to get it ready for a contest, so Neal isn’t too happy with the end result, as it was rushed a bit. I think it is still a great tune, even if not finished to his standards. We will have time to fix it though.

On yet another topic, I’ve been having dreams…

I didn’t use to have many dreams and the ones I did have were fun. That is until a couple of years ago when I had me a premonition about a friend of mine and his crappy girl friend situation before I even knew about it. That dream was different as it was strangle vivid. It might have been a fluke or my subconscious because I don’t believe I’m psychic. Well, not more than anyone else.
I’ve been having dreams about someone I used to be with. Now I don’t really have to go into what actually is happening, lets just say I was getting over it and thought I was over it. As far as I know I still am but then these fucking dreams happen. Now picture you were with someone but not anymore. Now picture the worst case scenario, what would make you feel most ill to your stomach. I dreamed that. Then another night I dreamed about the best scenario, if things had never split sort of thing.

Now I hope I stopped having premonitions back at the first one. Seeing the Future is shite, good or bad. Either dream made me wake up with a knot in my stomach, like some venomous creature bit me. I felt ill in the heart as well as in the body. I felt the same for each dream, just for different reasons. I mention the venomous creature because like venom, the feeling of the dream stays with you the whole day.
As far as I know I’m over this person. I was doing just fine until the dreams started. I have thought of some reasons that might make sense.

1. A Slice of Beef or cheese…an ill begotten potato.

2. I’m psychic ( this is highly unlikely and since I had dreams about the 2 very opposite sides of the scale…which one is true? Perhaps both? I don’t care, I just don’t want any more. )

3. (the most likely) Its my brain shocking me into really getting over the whole thing.

I know that sounds kinda weird but I always believed one of the things we most learn from is pain. It’s certainly true for me. It’s part of the cycle of healing and I believe you have to go through a little pain to get through anything important in life.
Perhaps my brain is hitting me with extremes and making me stare things in the face so I can get over them and accept them, because I want to be happy, and I want her to be happy and that is that. Things will work out for the best no matter what happens.

But no more bloody dreams!!

They are turning my insides to Swiss cheese!!

Anyhow, That’s all I got for now. Thanks for tuning in.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

And Now Here's The New Hit Single From BiPolar Bear "When I Fell For You, I Fucked Me Leg Up"

Hey kids. Short and sweet today I'm afraid.

My Band mate Neal just sent me one of our jam sessions, and BYYYYY GOLY it's actually pretty good......for a jam session anyhow. Its about 12 minutes long.

This is the result of our colaborations over the past few weeks. Fell free to tell me what you think of it.

Click on THIS! if you want the MP3.

Yay October....been 2 years blogging fun is that.

OK remember this is a Jam session...... I'm playing Bass, Neal is playing Guitar, and drums are being played by out drum android MR. KRIEG!!!

If you don't like might like this. It's what crazy people here in their head ALL the time.

Thats it for now...enjoy...or don't.....