Performances, Both Seen and Done.
Good fucking hell almighty what a month. Chalked full of craziness.
Zombie walk was once again one of the best events I’ve attended all year. A bunch of fellow freaks dressed up as dead flesh eating beasts, and there were about 300 of the fuckers. The organizer tried to make it official but the city fucked him 6 ways from Sunday with the wrong information. Bureaucracy strikes again but we did it anyway and had a good old time. You can’t stop someone from taking a walk.
I then did a week of straight preparation for the fist annual Miss Demeanor and Sick Fuck Productions First Annual Calgary Gore Games, for I was the MC and host. It was to be my first performing gig in quite some time and by God I did not want to fuck it up.
Finally the time came and I was ready. The stage was set, the guests were invited and the blood was ready to flow. At least that’s what we thought anyway.
The turn out was better than we anticipated. None of the people I invited showed up. Now 80% of these people were busy, had a family or had understandable reasons they could not go. The other 20% however, ..well lets just say I have a long fucken memory, and when they want me to show up at something they think is important I’ll just ….see what I can do.
It didn’t matter though as apparently I did a fabulous job.
The one person who did rear his ugly head was Murphy, and he bought his fucking lawyer too. The intro started out great and the bands did a fine job, but the Gore Games went somewhat awry. Nothing noticeable as everyone had fun and didn’t know anything was wrong but we of course had to alter a few things and adlib a few others due to faulty props and things just going as planed. Murphy’s Lawyer even turned the pigs on one of our sponsors. Demonika Clothing was fined for not having some sort of business license.
Absolute bullshit. To add insult to injury I introduced her wrong. I was bound to get something wrong but why that?! I hope she got some exposure and made some sort of profit at least.
All in all it was a blast and I made a good first impression, and I was told I would be used again for something like this. The only real bad noise was a bunch of drunks who kept bothering us by not moving back from the stage. One of them was dressed as a black man and every time I put the order out to get back he and his friends would shout that I “hated niggers”. Ironically I was The Man trying to keep them down but Jesus, was there no decency?
The fools ended up getting kicked out of the place and all was well again, and with any luck those fuckers will earn themselves a Darwin award before they have a chance to breed and fill the world with more ignorant apes.
I even flirted quite a bit with a beautiful young thing, but like a jackass, I didn’t take her home although that turned out to be a good thing. The reason I will explain to you in a bit. I went home feeling like I accomplished something good and that I proved to myself and to others that I have talent for the stage. Brilliant.
The reason why not taking the girl home was a good thing, is the next day I woke up ill, that being sick just isn’t sexy. I could have got a number or something though, no excuse for cowards.
Sick or not I would not miss the event that would happen that following day.
I attended Henry Rollins Spoken Word and by God I had one of the most entertaining evenings of my life. That man knows how to tell a story. I would recommend that anyone go see him when he is in town. That man knows what is going on and Henry, I tip my hat to you sir. He does these shows all the time telling a lot of the same stories over a over again no doubt but he had the wicked enthusiasm of the first telling and the energy of a man half his age.
I went home that night very sick, but inspired.
I spent the next half week in a NyQuil coma trying to get rid of this terrible illness but come Halloween I was ready. I dressed up and went to the mall with my friend Kibilz and his family. Their child Sylvan trick or treated around the stores and I scared the locals. A night well spent. I also saw my cousin and his wife doing the same thing. Small worlds.
The next day I managed to hit an event at a club I was invited to. It was the first time in a while they were playing music I really liked there so fun was had by all. I had gone there the Friday before the Gore Games and was sorely disappointed. I won’t say how much I paid to get in that Friday but I will say that for what I got for that amount of money, was raped…and not in the fun sense. I did however meet a friend there so it wasn’t all bad.
The kick ass event at the same club was only 2 dollars to get in, and I had a great time. Perhaps things are changing.
The weekend after Halloween was spent with Neal mostly doing music finally. It’s been a while since that sort of thing has worked. Along with that the night was filled with shenanigans that again I can not tell you about. It’s better not knowing but it was fun none the less.
A while ago I tried to get a ticket to go see one of my favorite bands H.I.M.
Unfortunately the tickets were sold out, and I was very saddened. Fortunately the friend I met on Shitty Rave Friday needed money and sold me her ticket last minute. I was jubilant that this angel gave me the chance to see one of my favorite bands live. I went to the concert yesterday full of excitement. The place was packed with all the Emo, Goth and metal types you would see there. The house was sold out. Very tense. I missed the opening act but that’s ok. I spent it drinking in the beer gardens and taking in the scene. Once the band was done, I finished my beer and headed inside.
I was happy to see H.I.M. after waiting 8 years to do so, but I was disappointed. The show was good. The musicians were talented and in good form. They played a lot of songs I wanted to hear and that was all fine and dandy. The sound sucked. If I didn’t know the songs and the words I wouldn’t have been able to understand the singer. I had that same issue with Dimmu Borgir at this exact venue months ago. The set was relatively short with no encore. That was very the horrid part.
I saw VNV Nation in Edmonton a month earlier and they kicked my ass. They came out for 2 encores and played for a total of 2.5 hours and this was an electronic band.
H.I.M. was a bigger band than them in a lot of circles. Their singer was some what of a sex symbol. VNV Nation just looked like a couple of guys you would have a drink with in the pub. I expected more from H.I.M.
Perhaps someone in the band wasn’t feeling well. Perhaps not. I don’t know but I think that if a show is sold out and you have that many people come to see you, you rock them hard, make them bleed. You don’t play for an hour and fifteen minutes and then fuck off. Even one Half Hour encore would have been great. Still I love the band, and I’ll keep buying their albums as long as they don’t go the way of their concerts.
In the midst of all of this, I managed to forget my Moms Birthday. She forgave me but that still doesn’t absolve it. She knows I love her, and no one forgets deliberately but still I’m an only child with a father gone astray when I was 5. She’s the only parent I have, and I shouldn’t have forgotten.
No one’s perfect though, you take a sad song and make it better.
Naaah Nah Nah Nanananaahh.
I know this was a big update, so thanks for tuning in and God have mercy on you swine!
Zombie walk was once again one of the best events I’ve attended all year. A bunch of fellow freaks dressed up as dead flesh eating beasts, and there were about 300 of the fuckers. The organizer tried to make it official but the city fucked him 6 ways from Sunday with the wrong information. Bureaucracy strikes again but we did it anyway and had a good old time. You can’t stop someone from taking a walk.
I then did a week of straight preparation for the fist annual Miss Demeanor and Sick Fuck Productions First Annual Calgary Gore Games, for I was the MC and host. It was to be my first performing gig in quite some time and by God I did not want to fuck it up.
Finally the time came and I was ready. The stage was set, the guests were invited and the blood was ready to flow. At least that’s what we thought anyway.
The turn out was better than we anticipated. None of the people I invited showed up. Now 80% of these people were busy, had a family or had understandable reasons they could not go. The other 20% however, ..well lets just say I have a long fucken memory, and when they want me to show up at something they think is important I’ll just ….see what I can do.
It didn’t matter though as apparently I did a fabulous job.
The one person who did rear his ugly head was Murphy, and he bought his fucking lawyer too. The intro started out great and the bands did a fine job, but the Gore Games went somewhat awry. Nothing noticeable as everyone had fun and didn’t know anything was wrong but we of course had to alter a few things and adlib a few others due to faulty props and things just going as planed. Murphy’s Lawyer even turned the pigs on one of our sponsors. Demonika Clothing was fined for not having some sort of business license.
Absolute bullshit. To add insult to injury I introduced her wrong. I was bound to get something wrong but why that?! I hope she got some exposure and made some sort of profit at least.
All in all it was a blast and I made a good first impression, and I was told I would be used again for something like this. The only real bad noise was a bunch of drunks who kept bothering us by not moving back from the stage. One of them was dressed as a black man and every time I put the order out to get back he and his friends would shout that I “hated niggers”. Ironically I was The Man trying to keep them down but Jesus, was there no decency?
The fools ended up getting kicked out of the place and all was well again, and with any luck those fuckers will earn themselves a Darwin award before they have a chance to breed and fill the world with more ignorant apes.
I even flirted quite a bit with a beautiful young thing, but like a jackass, I didn’t take her home although that turned out to be a good thing. The reason I will explain to you in a bit. I went home feeling like I accomplished something good and that I proved to myself and to others that I have talent for the stage. Brilliant.
The reason why not taking the girl home was a good thing, is the next day I woke up ill, that being sick just isn’t sexy. I could have got a number or something though, no excuse for cowards.
Sick or not I would not miss the event that would happen that following day.
I attended Henry Rollins Spoken Word and by God I had one of the most entertaining evenings of my life. That man knows how to tell a story. I would recommend that anyone go see him when he is in town. That man knows what is going on and Henry, I tip my hat to you sir. He does these shows all the time telling a lot of the same stories over a over again no doubt but he had the wicked enthusiasm of the first telling and the energy of a man half his age.
I went home that night very sick, but inspired.
I spent the next half week in a NyQuil coma trying to get rid of this terrible illness but come Halloween I was ready. I dressed up and went to the mall with my friend Kibilz and his family. Their child Sylvan trick or treated around the stores and I scared the locals. A night well spent. I also saw my cousin and his wife doing the same thing. Small worlds.
The next day I managed to hit an event at a club I was invited to. It was the first time in a while they were playing music I really liked there so fun was had by all. I had gone there the Friday before the Gore Games and was sorely disappointed. I won’t say how much I paid to get in that Friday but I will say that for what I got for that amount of money, was raped…and not in the fun sense. I did however meet a friend there so it wasn’t all bad.
The kick ass event at the same club was only 2 dollars to get in, and I had a great time. Perhaps things are changing.
The weekend after Halloween was spent with Neal mostly doing music finally. It’s been a while since that sort of thing has worked. Along with that the night was filled with shenanigans that again I can not tell you about. It’s better not knowing but it was fun none the less.
A while ago I tried to get a ticket to go see one of my favorite bands H.I.M.
Unfortunately the tickets were sold out, and I was very saddened. Fortunately the friend I met on Shitty Rave Friday needed money and sold me her ticket last minute. I was jubilant that this angel gave me the chance to see one of my favorite bands live. I went to the concert yesterday full of excitement. The place was packed with all the Emo, Goth and metal types you would see there. The house was sold out. Very tense. I missed the opening act but that’s ok. I spent it drinking in the beer gardens and taking in the scene. Once the band was done, I finished my beer and headed inside.
I was happy to see H.I.M. after waiting 8 years to do so, but I was disappointed. The show was good. The musicians were talented and in good form. They played a lot of songs I wanted to hear and that was all fine and dandy. The sound sucked. If I didn’t know the songs and the words I wouldn’t have been able to understand the singer. I had that same issue with Dimmu Borgir at this exact venue months ago. The set was relatively short with no encore. That was very the horrid part.
I saw VNV Nation in Edmonton a month earlier and they kicked my ass. They came out for 2 encores and played for a total of 2.5 hours and this was an electronic band.
H.I.M. was a bigger band than them in a lot of circles. Their singer was some what of a sex symbol. VNV Nation just looked like a couple of guys you would have a drink with in the pub. I expected more from H.I.M.
Perhaps someone in the band wasn’t feeling well. Perhaps not. I don’t know but I think that if a show is sold out and you have that many people come to see you, you rock them hard, make them bleed. You don’t play for an hour and fifteen minutes and then fuck off. Even one Half Hour encore would have been great. Still I love the band, and I’ll keep buying their albums as long as they don’t go the way of their concerts.
In the midst of all of this, I managed to forget my Moms Birthday. She forgave me but that still doesn’t absolve it. She knows I love her, and no one forgets deliberately but still I’m an only child with a father gone astray when I was 5. She’s the only parent I have, and I shouldn’t have forgotten.
No one’s perfect though, you take a sad song and make it better.
Naaah Nah Nah Nanananaahh.
I know this was a big update, so thanks for tuning in and God have mercy on you swine!
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