Friday, March 16, 2007

Revelations 78:06:02

I've discovered a truth, something I had never contemplated before, a connection if you will of certain facts. How I thought of this is not important, the point is I was the one chosen to come to this conclusion.

I have a list comparing women to Gods, comparing the similarities between the two. It was shocking as to how many I had so here for you now I have the list.


Why Women are Similar to Gods Of Olde

1. Need Constant Worship lest you face a fate worse than death

2. Require occasional sacrifices, mostly blood

3. Countless tales and songs about them
Gods = “She will come on a flaming chariot and deliver us to bloody glory”
Woman = “Baby Went and Ripped my Heart Out”

4. Great, Horrendous, and Stupid things have been done in their name.

5. An Alter is provided to give homage and offerings (Jewels gifts est.) , the only difference is Gods have a stone alter, women have their bodies.

6. They love and hate with equal passion and the smallest of things can set off either

7. Gods are rumored to create all things living. Women give Birth.

8. When the Dark Gods are angry, the world is plagued with natural disaster. When a Woman is angry, it feels very much the same.

9. The Gods work in mysterious ways…..need I finish the comparison?

10. Copious amounts of blood have been shed over Gods and Women alike. (Examples = Gods-Various Crusades Women = Fall of Troy)

11. Serve the Gods/Women well and you will know bliss beyond measure……So They Say…

12. They are master of all things. Never forget this.

13. If you’v done something to make them hate you, they’ll never let you forget it; there will be no mercy, just endless shades of suffering.


There you have it.......The Gods are among us.
Lord knows I've spilled offerings on a few alters in my day....but you don't need to know that.

What you need to know is this.
The Virgin, The Lover, The Mother, and the Crone.....they're all among us....and once I find a God that works for me, I'll be the most dedicated Holy man.

Blessed Be


Blogger Lesley (Toque) said...

Fantastic list :) I was shocked at the comparisons... how true some of those are sometimes!

1:51 PM  

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