I'm Building My Tolerance to Rejection, So Can I Buy You a Drink?
Hey folks. I know it's been a while but, here I am once again. A month goes by so fast let me tell you, and oh the adventures.....the adventures......
The Music Front...
Neal and I have been hard at work trying to put together a CD, Hard at work meaning drinking quite a lot, and doing silly things in pubs and what have you. Seriously though between my vacation and Neal going to the states to train we simply could not get anything done, especially when we spend most of are time being silly, and drunk in pubs.
Well he got back....and things kind of started springing along. We finally have a 3 song disc for 2 of our bands. That's right folks, one of each and we're submitting it to a contest at a local radio station here. As soon as the discs are ready we'll see which one we want to submit to all of you fellow peeps. Hooraay!
Now music isn't just about music, oh no! There are antics and weekends of debauchery as well!
Allow me to share with you now, some of our more glorious moments.
We apparently have groupies even though we're not famous, one Being Neal's now wife( I did the ceremony) and her sister, who we will call Typhoid......thank you Rimmy...for that one.
Many weekends have been spent, using paint to colour ourselves, getting make up put on us, dressing in drag, being silly and drunk at pubs, video taping the lot. This may or may not of happened, and or not in that order, in fact order as it were has nothing to do with the weekends I spend at Neal's house. At one point, I may, or may not have, been very sexy in a dress we found in a bag of clothes destined for the bin or good will. I may or may not, have had my whole face done up in make up, lipstick and all, and named Cancer Bitch, due to my staggeringly pretty face, but bald head.
I may or may not have slept with a lot of people these past few months, including Neal. Some of this may or may not be total fiction, those who know me will know what is and what isn't. Those who think they know me, will be absolutely right in what ever conclusion they come to. Those who have seen the photos, are dead and are not reading this....maybe.
I may or may not have made this entire thing up just to mess with your wonderful heads.
But this story......is true.
Out one night with Neal, and his wife, and his Friend who we should call....Timorous Beasty.
Timorous Beasty is a woman Neal has known for several years now. She is awesome.
We all went to A Bar Named Sue. Yes that's the name of the bar. Its an old country/rockabilly place is it kicks the nipples off a shark! In other words...it's fun. While there we were drinking and being silly, and a few people were doing sets on stage before the main band came out. Well we asked if we could perform and behold we did! It was terrible, but funny and we got lots of laughs and clapping. Timorous Beasty doesn't get out much, but when she does, she makes it memorable let me say so. Neal and his wife are in their own world as per usual and I get chummy with TB. Friendly but not too friendly. It was nice.
She gets completely hammered off her nuts and I offer to walk her home, as her house is 3 blocks away. She holds on to me telling me how great I am for befriending Neal and how Neal and his wife are awesome together and what not and I listen and laugh and help her into her place. I do. She falls over.
I pick her up as she says she wants to smoke, so I let her do so as I use her facilities.
I sit in her bathroom feeling the cool wind from her open window, and she's mumbling something and can't make out what it is but there is suddenly a sound that I can make out very well.
Ah...she fell...again....I'll see to her when I'm done....
Then I hear from the street, Neal calling my name and asking me to let them in. I say I will as soon as I help TB to bed. I finish my business, and I get out of the bathroom to find...yes...TB on the floor. I pick her up and put her in bed. I let Neal and wife in and TB wakes up and is jolly with us for a while. The energy doesn't last however, and she passes out. So Neal and I both attempt to grab her yet again and put her into bed, but this time she wasn't having any of it. She started the struggle!! She wants to play fight/wrestle with the last bit of drunken energy she has left. Now in her room we wrestle and Neal decides he's giving up and goes to see what his wife is up to.
I keep trying to get the Beasty pinned, and I do...but not for long. We end up rousing such a ruckus, that those not in the room may miss construe what was happening in the room. Neal takes his wife and leaves.
We fight...and fight....I pin her...she bites me.......I pin her...she bites me......repeat this until finally she relents...and I put her once and for all into her bed. Now bruised, scared...and somewhat frustrated in a carnal way.....I stumble away from her abode....
She might like me I think.....and that might not be a half bad thing....
Night ends.
Beasty calls in the morning and we have a lovely breaky and everything is good, except she can't remember what happened the previous night passed leaving the bar...but she knows she woke up in an odd place in her house with her pants half down ( NOT my doing...I remember stuff like that) and being very very sore. I just giggled.
OK now that thats done..I could bitch about work......
not worth it.
Hoped you liked the story...I'm outa here...for now....
The Music Front...
Neal and I have been hard at work trying to put together a CD, Hard at work meaning drinking quite a lot, and doing silly things in pubs and what have you. Seriously though between my vacation and Neal going to the states to train we simply could not get anything done, especially when we spend most of are time being silly, and drunk in pubs.
Well he got back....and things kind of started springing along. We finally have a 3 song disc for 2 of our bands. That's right folks, one of each and we're submitting it to a contest at a local radio station here. As soon as the discs are ready we'll see which one we want to submit to all of you fellow peeps. Hooraay!
Now music isn't just about music, oh no! There are antics and weekends of debauchery as well!
Allow me to share with you now, some of our more glorious moments.
We apparently have groupies even though we're not famous, one Being Neal's now wife( I did the ceremony) and her sister, who we will call Typhoid......thank you Rimmy...for that one.
Many weekends have been spent, using paint to colour ourselves, getting make up put on us, dressing in drag, being silly and drunk at pubs, video taping the lot. This may or may not of happened, and or not in that order, in fact order as it were has nothing to do with the weekends I spend at Neal's house. At one point, I may, or may not have, been very sexy in a dress we found in a bag of clothes destined for the bin or good will. I may or may not, have had my whole face done up in make up, lipstick and all, and named Cancer Bitch, due to my staggeringly pretty face, but bald head.
I may or may not have slept with a lot of people these past few months, including Neal. Some of this may or may not be total fiction, those who know me will know what is and what isn't. Those who think they know me, will be absolutely right in what ever conclusion they come to. Those who have seen the photos, are dead and are not reading this....maybe.
I may or may not have made this entire thing up just to mess with your wonderful heads.
But this story......is true.
Out one night with Neal, and his wife, and his Friend who we should call....Timorous Beasty.
Timorous Beasty is a woman Neal has known for several years now. She is awesome.
We all went to A Bar Named Sue. Yes that's the name of the bar. Its an old country/rockabilly place is it kicks the nipples off a shark! In other words...it's fun. While there we were drinking and being silly, and a few people were doing sets on stage before the main band came out. Well we asked if we could perform and behold we did! It was terrible, but funny and we got lots of laughs and clapping. Timorous Beasty doesn't get out much, but when she does, she makes it memorable let me say so. Neal and his wife are in their own world as per usual and I get chummy with TB. Friendly but not too friendly. It was nice.
She gets completely hammered off her nuts and I offer to walk her home, as her house is 3 blocks away. She holds on to me telling me how great I am for befriending Neal and how Neal and his wife are awesome together and what not and I listen and laugh and help her into her place. I do. She falls over.
I pick her up as she says she wants to smoke, so I let her do so as I use her facilities.
I sit in her bathroom feeling the cool wind from her open window, and she's mumbling something and can't make out what it is but there is suddenly a sound that I can make out very well.
Ah...she fell...again....I'll see to her when I'm done....
Then I hear from the street, Neal calling my name and asking me to let them in. I say I will as soon as I help TB to bed. I finish my business, and I get out of the bathroom to find...yes...TB on the floor. I pick her up and put her in bed. I let Neal and wife in and TB wakes up and is jolly with us for a while. The energy doesn't last however, and she passes out. So Neal and I both attempt to grab her yet again and put her into bed, but this time she wasn't having any of it. She started the struggle!! She wants to play fight/wrestle with the last bit of drunken energy she has left. Now in her room we wrestle and Neal decides he's giving up and goes to see what his wife is up to.
I keep trying to get the Beasty pinned, and I do...but not for long. We end up rousing such a ruckus, that those not in the room may miss construe what was happening in the room. Neal takes his wife and leaves.
We fight...and fight....I pin her...she bites me.......I pin her...she bites me......repeat this until finally she relents...and I put her once and for all into her bed. Now bruised, scared...and somewhat frustrated in a carnal way.....I stumble away from her abode....
She might like me I think.....and that might not be a half bad thing....
Night ends.
Beasty calls in the morning and we have a lovely breaky and everything is good, except she can't remember what happened the previous night passed leaving the bar...but she knows she woke up in an odd place in her house with her pants half down ( NOT my doing...I remember stuff like that) and being very very sore. I just giggled.
OK now that thats done..I could bitch about work......
not worth it.
Hoped you liked the story...I'm outa here...for now....
I demand to see a photo of you in drag, kthx.
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