Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Other Than A Demented Picture........

....... . .. ..Things have been rather pleasant I would think.

Although there have been a few things that have happened to me and a few more things on my mind, so here goes.

This weekend I was invited to Montreal to play in the Minds Eye Theatre of Vampire the Requiem. I have been a Minds Eye Vampire player for 9 years now over all, and play regularly here in London and Hamilton.

But Montreal was a kick! The journey there and the game itself were very enjoyable. I will dispense some details.

A couple of friends invited me to go to the Montreal game and I was delighted to accept. This is a global game you see, and your character can be played in any Camarilla Sanctioned game in the world. So I am very happy to spread myself around if I get the chance.

These friends will be named Jade and Dion.(Their character names)

They both picked me up at about 5 am Saturday morning and we set off on our journey. It was fun. We talked about our gaming experiences of the past and what have you, listened to music, and shared opinions on various things.
We received our first shock when we reached Quebec. People drove like they were being chased by one of the elder beings of some horrible nether world. Fast and cut throat. Amazing.
In all the commotion, we got lost getting into the city. But we stopped at a gas station, got a map, and phoned our French friends and all of that sorted us out for the moment. We were back on track.
We headed into down town Montreal and decided to park, so we could see the sights and possibly get some refreshment.
As we were walking around looking at things and taking it all in, we saw across the street, some Hamilton players who had made it up aswell.

I yelled across the street at them, "Coincidences are like acts of God. They may happen, but I don't believe in them!"

We all got together and had a laugh, then set fourth to seek refreshment.

And refresh we did.

In a pub we all gathered and devoured some poutine* and beer, and let me tell you, I don't think we could have had a better meal at that exact point. At least in my opinion.

We then parted ways with the Hamilton crew and went on our way to pursue the game site.

We got lost again.

After about an hour and a half of driving around looking, we were giggling like deranged children because of the hilarity of it all and the fact that we all had very little sleep the night before and it was catching up to us. With the help of our French friends once again, we finely found the game site.

We met the locals and were surprised to hear they were having a barbique. We actually found this out when we got lost the first time, but I decided to interject this point now ok? So if you don't like it you can FUCK OFF WITH SHINY BRASS KNOBS ON!!!


They were fund raising for the giant game event known as CAINE that will be in Montreal in April 06. That's what the barbique was for, so we handed em some cash and ate and were merry once again.

After the barbique, we all got changed and the game was ON!

It was a good game. We met some interesting people during and after and fun was had by all so it seemed. Our host as it turned out was more than gracious. We thought we were going to be sleeping on some floor in a dark basement some where(which is ironic considering the game we play) but it turns out we got our own rooms, and our own beds.
Very cool of them we thought, they certainly didn't have to do that much. We stayed where we played, a very nice house that was built in 1915. Impressive, and in the morning there was coffee and good conversation to greet our weary heads.

Having an excellent evening thanx to our host, we set off at about 11 am for Hamilton to play in their game. To our delight some of the Montreal players were going to make it down there aswell.

The drive back down was less eventful than the drive up, and our only incident was some slow ass rubbernecking drivers that annoyed us to no end. But some of us dozed, and I got some interesting reading done, and we made it to Hamilton safe and sound.

During the whole trip Jade was talking about how she is the new storyteller of the Minds Eye game Werewolf The Forsaken, and I offered to be her assistant, so now you are looking at the new assistant storyteller for this game, woooohooooo. :)

A Good Game was had in Hamilton aswell with the Montreal guys attending, and some of the other London players aswell. After the game we all ate at a local establishment and headed for home.
The hour trip home from Hamilton to London however was a bit risky, as we were all tired from the journey and the road got a little blurry for Dion once or twice, but half way through, Jade took the wheel and all was well again. Don't get the impression that Dion is a bad driver, he isn't, he was DOG tired is all ;)

So that was pretty much it for the weekend trip, it was definitely worth it for all of us I believe.

* - For those of your reading that don't know what poutine is, it is French fries covered in gravy and cheese.

So, what else?

My World of Darkness game is supposed to continue tomorrow, but I don't know if I want to do it or not. I believe I will turn it into a Werewolf The Forsaken game, that might turn the tide a bit. The players aren't into the whole thing and I can tell, and I'm not getting the feel for this game because of it. So that's where its going I think.

As for more personal matters............

The following text is deemed
more offensive than usual
discression is advised

It's a Celebration Bitches!

My Cousin is getting married. That's all good isn't it?

It normally would be but its happening for the wrong reasons in my opinion. The fact that its a marriage of convenience, and the bride played with my friend Rimmy's feelings(intentionally or not), means that I'm not really happy about it. Maybe they deserve each other.

The Bride, I feel is some sort of fiend who like it or not has no care for anyone but herself. I used to like her very much.

The Groom, is doing what he believes is right, but I fear for the wrong reasons.

It will end badly, and their son will be the one who suffers.

How do I know this? Because I've seen the history of my family's relationships, and I see the same downward spiral in these two.

In fact my mom and dad hooked up almost the same way as these 2 are,
shotgun wedding while the bride is about to burst with a kid.
Safe to say it didn't go well after that, even though my parents were together before that.

They made the first step to the Olsen Dark Side .

I suppose the saga must continue, fuck knows why.
I'm trying not to contribute to the next step of ODS, which is to have a loathing searing hatred for The Bride.

I'll do what I can to ignore the blood compulsion as much as I can, unlike others.

What a fucken mess :P

anyhow, that's my shtick for now,

Dig It.

Sunday, July 17, 2005

I FEEL ALRIGHT!!!!! Posted by Picasa

Thursday, July 14, 2005

The Show Must Go On......Sadly

Tonight was game night.

The whole fiasco that started in the "Tick Fucking Tock" entry is all done with, and this is the first game since then.

How did it go? Not that good I'm afraid.

There is a reason for this that I just figured out.

My Game of World of Darkness is a horror/action sort of genre applying many inspirations such as H.P. Lovecraft and Neil Gaiman.

The trouble is, my players in general aren't into that scene.

An example.

Blake the vigilante's player loves strategy games like Warcraft and so on, and he loves comic book characters like The Punisher, so while game was going on certain things happened with him that tipped this whole thing off.

He wouldn't stop talking about his arsenal. He keeps trying to acquire new weapons all the time. Half the game is him looking for weapons and equiptment. That's normally fine but he seems overly paranoid about it.

That's not my big concern though.

All my players were in a subterranean tunnel maze. All they had was a flash light and a few hooks and pieces of chain to defend themselves.
They heard a creature coming from the darkness, and soon they saw it, and I began to describe it. But half way through Blake just says "Alright big beasty, got it!" He interrupted me in mid description, and its not the first time he's done so.

All he seems interested in is his kill count and when he's going to do some more killing and its obvious from his behavior that he's not very interested in the whole mood I'm trying to portray.

that's fucking annoying. I create something in my mind, and I try to describe it and it turns out to be crap cause I'm interrupted all the time and this really spoils the game for me. So much so I don't want to return, but I do.....Why? Who the hell knows.

One of my players, who plays a semi crooked cop, I can tell enjoys the mood from a solitary description I gave to her about her character's situation.

I could tell she was into it. The others seem to give it what they got but Blake seems to over shadow them.

I have been contemplating a new game more to their liking because I figure that they aren't going to really give a damn about anything I'm interested in anyway.

My friends had a few suggestions about letting em know whose boss, but that's not the issue. No matter what I do they aren't really going to care because they don't seem to give a damn about what I'm trying to create.
They are going to play what they like and they won't change.

Man, One problem goes and others pop up.

I'm glad at least one or two of my players seem to appreciate it anyway. I will think on what to do next over the next few days. I am tired, and I must rest now.

Friday, July 08, 2005

Anti-Climactic Resolution

Well, the dilemma is done and over with.

Evie has left the game. My cat is playing with her crumpled up character sheet as I type.

Our new player who I named Ha Ran' Na has been running a game of EXalted for the past few weeks, giving me time to play a game for a change instead of running one all the time. This gave me ample opportunity to rest and get inspired for my World of Darkness game.

And I am!

So last game was the last EXalted game we play until August. So it was time to finally talk to Evie about the whole thing. Although I was pretty dead sure she was dead sure about leaving anyhow.

Me: So Evie, are you going to be in my World of Darkness game anymore?
Her: No.
Me: Alrighty then.

...and that was it.

Now, I know I said in my last posts that I was going to give her a talking to about her behavior. But I gave it some serious thought, some more serious thought actually.
I thought, What would be the point in chewing her out?
My answer? None.

Why did I think this? Let me tell you.

The point of chewing her out was basically to let her know that how she went about the whole situation was completely immature and rude.

That makes sense although, I think she knows that already.
Usually if you know you are, or have been an ass about something, you would if you had any respect for the person, or courage, apologize to him/her.

truly, that's all I would ever want from some one who did something like that, and that would be the point of chewing some one out, to show them that feelings can be hurt and so on and so on and in that, they realize they were an ass and apologize....If they care enough.

I could tell from Evies body language that she didn't feel comfortable with me talking to her about it, because as the conversation above took place she just turned and walked away AS it was happening.

So she didn't give a damn.

I'm not going to chew her out because there would be no point. If she had the courage to admit she was an ass she would have done it already, and I'm certainly not going to force it out of her.

She is young, but not THAT young, and she SHOULD know better.

So, things are resolved anyway, and I believe I dealt with it in the most mature way possible.