Friday, November 18, 2005

My Name Is Mud......But Call Me Alowishus Devander Abercrombie, That's Long For Mud..So I've Been Told...

Well Kids, What's to tell.

Not much. But there is a little.

My Modern game that I put on this post, is almost ready to go but I have been stumped about a few things. So I decided as a change of pace that I will run a D&D game for a while before I run the Sundered World game.

I was hoping my players would not be frustrated at the change, and it appears that they aren't, so they tell me.

My regular players are Rimmy, Jovknee, and Depaxus, but Jovknee hasn't been paying his internet bill and hasn't been seen in quite some time. He has tried to contact me through e-mail and phone though. I got the messages, and thanks. I hope to see you online again soon. Safe to say that the Sundered World game requires all 3 players, but the D&D game only needs 2.

Other than gaming, I did make it up to the radio station for my first training sessions on Wednesday at CHRW. That was kick ass.

I am hoping for a show of my very own near the beginning of next year. Cross your fingers kids.

Also my plans for going back to B.C. at Christmas time are all made, and near the end of December I will be traveling to Calgary Alta to visit some of my friends there as well so hopefully the hellidaze this year will be a hoot, like last year.

Still no sign of my cat Stimpy though. I'm still hoping for the best but I have a feeling he's not coming back this time. I hope my cat does come back though.

Anyhoo for now, that's all I have to say.

I'll keep you posted.

Saturday, November 05, 2005

"Pookie's Avenged 1 For 1 + 5!!!"

I can't say things have been good, but again compared so some people on this planet, it isn't bad.

My Fiance is having a rough time, as her close cousins husband has had kidney failure and has to be on dialysis. The same week her Aunt had a stroke losing most of not all of the mobility on her left side. So things haven't been fun for her.

I'm doing better but not by much.

In one of my last posts I told you my moms cat had to be put down. Well for the past week and a half MY cat decided to disappear. Not my cat that lives with me(She is an inside cat ) but the one living at my moms. As My moms cat has been with her for 12 years, this cat has been with me for an equal 12, as they were brother and sister.
Now my cat has disappeared before I'll admit, and there is a funny story about one of the times, but it seems that this time seems final some how and I don't like that feeling.

But to lighten the mood, I mine as well tell it. Perhaps on some weird cosmic level, it will help my cat return. You just never really know in this life.

The Story.

One day Stimpy(My cat) went missing. What a start eh?

I remember him being missing for about 4 weeks. It was a long 4 weeks.
So I was trying to deal with it as best I can hanging out with friends at my cottage and hoping for the best.
One day while I was at the cottage(If you want in depth knowledge of the place and what it meant to me and my friends click on THIS!!!) I went into the garage to get something. I can't really remember what it was I wanted to get, but I was looking hard for it. Anyhow I remember getting on my hands and knees to look at the lower shelves when I saw this little orange and white fur ball.

It was him! What the hell?!

My grandmother didn't live far from my place but she didn't live close either(That's where the cottage was if you didn't bother to read THIS!!!!! To find out)
so how the hell was it that my cat got all the way over here?!
We figure that mayhap he followed me there one time while I was walking, but when Stimpy follows he stays close and meows, A LOT so we had to discard that reason. The only reason we could think of at the time was this.

About a month ago my grandfather drove over to our house to fix something and when Stimpy was investigating my grandfathers van he realized that there was a place he could get into in the engine. So he curled up inside and the next thing he knew he was moving! But he bid his time and when the van had stopped he found himself in a strange place for 4 weeks. I was at the cottage every fucken weekend of those 4 weeks and he was right there in the same yard as me.

So that's the story. The other time he went missing was when he was trapped by our landlord and for some reason brought to the Wallmart parking lot. I guess at the time that's where the SPCA picked up trapped animals.

Rumor has it the landlord is trapping again, so I hope he turns up. My mom the great lady she is is looking everywhere for him day and night. Considering that cat annoyed her to death, its a damn fine effort on her part.

that's basically what is going on with me.

There is another thing I did a few weeks ago aswell.

You remember my post a while back about my cousin, his wedding, and my thoughts? Well if you don't, you can find it here.

I got a lot of heat from that post, but that is understandable.

I was thinking a lot about it a few weeks ago and decided that it was a good time to e-mail my cousin. I was listening to the band Enigma and remembered many fond memories my cousin and I shared. I apolologized to him in this e-mail, as I realized my feelings have hurt him pretty bad. I was always sorry for that, but in the e-letter I had to say it right to him.
I haven't got any response although I don't expect one. Even though I had my reasons, it doesn't change the fact that he didn't have my support on what was supposed to be one of the happiest days of his life. It's understandable that he wouldn't respond.

I am happy for him and his wife and I wish them both well.

It's a new start I figure, and negativity has no place in that. So I'm not adding any more. If they can forgive me that's cool, if not I can't say I blame them.

But I figure its worth mentioning that if they need my help with anything at all they know where I am.

That's it for me today kids.