Sunday, February 12, 2006

Please Allow Me to Introduce Myself...........

Man, I have been reading this book called The Devils Apocrypha by John A. De Vito and it tells basicly the other side of the story from Satans point of view and God Damn(All Puns Intended), he has some good stuff to say.......He really was mis understood.

I am now going to give you a little insight from a chapter called "The Book of Philosophies"

This Chapter focuses on Cain. You know the story, Cain slew his brother Able and was cursed by god for being a murderer and all this Chapter, Satan comes to him while he wonders in the land of Nod. Cain is mad because God and Satan both appeared to him, and in this book, if either God, Satan or any angel visits a mortal, or use vulgar magics on them, they go slightly mad, so Satan works a spell on Cain, to restore his mind, but that cost Cain his soul.

Cain was angry for a bit, but Satan consoled him, and sat and told him of his philosophies and how to live a just life...and here for you now...

The Book of Philosophies

After the Fallen Angel gave what comfort he could to the tormented Cain, He fell upon the discourses of Wisdom. And as the night drew itself upon Cain and the Fallen Angel, Satan shared his philosophies with his disciple.
"Listen to these words, for they come from all the souls which comprise my being. The words are simple yet they hold power. Abide by them and they shall serve thee well."
And so Cain Listened.....


Do unto others as ye wish to do unto them. For this is thy right as a being of free will. Thou may treat thy neighbor good or ill, as per thy will. But remember this: He also is free to respond according to his will; and it would do thee well to temper thine action with judgment.


Thou shalt not kill out of anger, lust or evil. Yet to protect that which is important---self, family, liberty---Kill swiftly without mercy. If thou art not willing to do this, ye shall lose all that matters to thee.


Worry not of covetousness for thoughts are free and difficult to rein. Work, rather, in restaint of thine actions.


Worship not idols, symbols, gods nor men. Worship only knowledge, freedom and thine own self.


A man may do all he wishes to do. Yet it may not always be wise for him to do so.


Listen to the opinions of others and weigh their merits, for others may see options ye have not. Yet follow thine own heart for the final decision. If art not willing to do this,then take heed: Thou hast delivered thy destiny into the hands of strangers.


Truth is beauty, yet beauty is not Truth. Knowledge is power, but power is not knowledge. Keep thy logic in it's proper sequence.


Faith is the greatest force within this universe. With it, ye may do all that is possible, and even that which is not. Yet ye must channel this energy within thine own soul: keep faith in thy hopes, faith in thy dreams, faith in thy self.


Within thee lies the power of the gods. To Gain it, strive for understanding: of the firmament, of thine earth, of others, and most importantly, thy self.


Seek the philosophy within thy soul, for others cannot reveal it nor decline it to thee. Neither god nor man may lead thee to thy self, for only the indavidual soul knows it's own path.


No one may control thee or manipulate thee unless ye allow it to be. Thee and thee alone art thy destiny's master.


Thy path in life must be thine own, let not others choose it for thee. If ye wish a chance at greatness, follow thine own path. If it should lead to misery, so be it. At least it is a misery of thine own choosing. And remember, ye may always try again.


Curse not others if thy life is disordered, for the choice of direction rests ultimatly with thee. If ye must curse, then curse thine own self for allowing it. Yet this degradation serves no purpose. If thou art wrong, state in plainly, then work toward it's correction.


He who livith without purpose livith without life. If thou art without goals then ye shall accomplish nothing. Know what ye would like in life, then seek it out. It is that simple.


Death comes to all, bidden or unbidden. Accept this, then live as if it were untrue.


Thou shalt always have choices in life. But this does not garauntee that they shall be favourable choices,and, at times, the best ye may do is choose the lesser evil.


Nothing is impossible. Thy limits are without limit. However, if ye do not believe this, ye shall find thou art correct.


If thou findest an inequity, ye must correct it. If thou art witness to injustice, ye must not stand idle. If ye come upon pain, then give relief. For if the lot of Man is to improve, the seer must be the doer.


Judge and let thy self be judged. For it is thy right as a being of free will. Yet live a goodly life so that ye may judge fairly. And, should ye be falsely judged by others, it shall matter not.


Hear the instruction of thy mother and father, for experience was their teacher. Start with these teachings, then add thine own learning, and change that which must be changed.


If thou followest the philosophy of others and add nothing of thine own, then thou art no more than a beast of the field and have wasted thy soul.


Carry not the sins of thy father with thee, for thou art thine own person and accountable only for thine own actions--not the actions of thy father, thy brother, thy tribe or thy race.


Allow thy children to live, think and feel freely, for the mother and the father know not all things.


Believe in thine own self, and serve no other, for others know nothing of what is best for thee. Yet do not shut out opposing philosophies, for at times their teachings may be clearer than thine own.


There is no sin. Do that which is right for thee, for only in this can ye find true happiness. Yet remember always: thine earth is a shared place.


Let morality guide thee, but not out of fear, Rather, follow it for thine own sake.


Trust thy judgment with all thy heart. If ye can do this thing, then, truly ye shall not be forsaken.


Believe in thine own free will. Listen to it's dictates and not to the dictates of others. In this and this alone shall true happiness be found.


Blessed is he who findeth wisdom an seeketh knowledge, for these are more precious than gold: and the gain thereof shall be the immortal universe itself.


Friends are precious, keep them close, But thy family is sacred. One may treat them ill, slander them and do them evil. Yet when thy need is greatest, they shall always be with thee.


History is not a fixed thing. Although the event may remain constant, the interpretation is ever fluid. And the interpretation is all: for a grown man will look back upon a childhood act and see his guilt, where earlier he saw only vindication. Change the mind and change the past----and with it, the present and future.


Be not the hedonist, seize not the day without an eye to the morrow. Yet enjoy the flesh, for it is thy legacy.


Thou hast within thee gifts without measure and power beyond comprehension. Ye need but use them. Take pride in thy gifts, pride in thy power, and pride in thy accomplishments.


Seek not the praise of others and heed not their condemnation--for within thee and thee alone lies the power of self--fulfillment.


Thou art neither better nor worse than thy neighbor, no matter how much more righteous or evil he may be.


Hope maketh the heart stronger, where desire unfulfilled maketh the heart ill. Hope for fulfillment and work toward it's acheivment. And if thy goals go unmet, ye shall still find peace, for within the journey does the true goal lie.


Error and forgivness are the traits of humanity, fear and condemnation are the traits of gods. Strive to be human: strive not to be gods.


Subjugate thyself not to God nor to man, for subjugation knows no honor. Why should the Father wish His children to kneel in fear before Him? Better to die free than live as a sheep.


There are those who understand reason and those who understand violence. Reason is wasted on the violent man and violence is wasted on the reasonable man. If thou wishest to hear thee, speak in his language or speak not at all.


Ye may speak truth or deception, according to thine own free will, But to thine own self, know the difference.


If a man wrongs thee, look to thyself to see why thou hast allowed the transgression. Learn from it, then seek vindication or reconciliation, as ye see fit.


Others may lead thee to temptation, but only by thine own hand can ye partake of it. If thou later seekest to lay blame, seek thyself.


In life, some have more and some have less. Yet what matter? Peace and happiness stem from within, not without.


Do what thee will with thy life. Give freely, Love freely and expect nothing. In this ye shall find true hapiness, and there will be no reason for disappointment.


If thou desires and action to come about then bring it about. Ye may fail but then, Ye may not.


There is knowledge in all things, in all actions, in all places. Learn from all things. It may come from the mouth of a child as easily as from the wisest men. Always listen, always learn: Knowledge is all around thee.


Knowledge is a painful thing, for it always bears a price. Accept the risk and pain, for life without risk and pain is no life at all.


Look not to the Lord God for direction; look not to Satan, Look instead, to thine own self.


Live each day as if it were the last day. Yet live it also as if it were not.


If thou wishest to die, then thou art dead already.


Thou art stronger than thee can ever know, search for the strength that dwells within. It is there. It is waiting. And somewhere out there, someone needs you more than you can ever imagine.


Life and Hope are one. Seek thy gifts and share them. It is for this reason thour art truly here.


If thou wishest life in death, then ye must live in life.


That which ye can touch and hold and lose is of little importance. The greatest thing in life cannot be taken.


It comes to this: by design, the Race of Man is half man and half beast. Thou art not beings of reason, but, rather beings capable of reason. There is much difference between the two. Excercise thy capabilities.


Thou art a being of free will. Ye may follow the instincts of the beast or the reason of the man. The choice has been forever yours. Yet know this: a life ruled by the beast shall lead thee to subjugation and destruction, for it is the beast that is in thrall of the Lord God.


For everything there is a time: a time to live, a time to die, a time for peace, a time for war; a time to create and a time to destroy. Learn to tell time.


The flesh is a vessel, a conduit to the immortal. If thou learnest from thy travels, the destination is assured.


It is in thy nature to take the farmiliar for granted.Strive against this. Question always, question often, in this shall ye keep what is most important. The price for thine immortal soul is constant vigilance.


Seek to understand the unknown. Expand thy thoughts and seek out knowledge, for in this shall ye become as One in death.


The answers to all things are always within thy grasp. Ye carry within thee all that is needed to comprehend the infinite. And it is waiting for thee to find it.


He who knows himself, knows others, for a piece of ourselves dwells within every other.


If ye have not known hate, pain, greed,and cowardice then thou has not known love, pleasure, generosity and courage--for they are all degrees of the same ideal. Accept both the good and the bad within thee, for there is no separating the two. Without one, the other has no meaning.


Until life has given thee it's worst, thou hast not been at thy best.


All has been brought to bear against thee. The instincts were bred into thee:thy laws created for they could not be kept. Question all, for this is the path to Oneness. Heed not the beliefs, laws, and actions of others unless they suit thee. And be prepared to die for this.


Fear of the Lord is the end of Knowledge and reason, and these two persuits are the keys that shall free thy soul. If ye sacrifice the philosophies, then ye shall cease to grow in spirit. And there shall be no life in death.


And so it ended, for it was enough.
"Remember what has been said here" Satan concluded."For the salvation of the earth is contained within the simple words thou hast heard here this night."
"Yes I see the truth in what Ye say, Teacher" Cain replied. "And of all things, one must learn to recognise the truth."
And Satan said" For one with no soul, Cain, ye art wiser than many. Take the life ye have been given and make it purposful, regardless of what hast befallen thee. We are remembered for what we do and how we live: make yours a goodly rememberance."
"I say again to thee Cain, take what I have given thee this night. Thou art a tiller of soil: take the seeds of wisdom I have placed within thee, plant them, tend them, see that they take root."

"Remember this always"

And Cain did remember, Always.


I find this abundently better than those commandment thingies.

All Hail the Fallen
And Iggy Pop

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

"Knock Knock" "Who's There?" "Gestapo!" "Gestapo Who?!" "Heh....fool...We Don't Knock"...

Someone recently sent me something. It was a chain letter type thing, and quite frankly, it pissed me right off. Here is the letter I got...

Never doubt the Word of God!!! Make a personal reflection about this. Very interesting, read until the end... It is written in the Bible (Galatians 6:7): " Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. Here are some men and women who mocked God:

JOHN LENNON: Some years before during his interview with an American Magazine, he said: "Christianity will end, it will disappear. I do not have to argue about that. I am certain. Jesus was ok, but his subjects were too simple, Today we are more famous than Him" (1966)" Lennon, after saying that the Beatles were more famous than Jesus Christ, was shot six times.

TANCREDO NEVES: During the Presidential campaign, he said if he got 500 votes from his party, not even God would remove him from Presidency. Sure he got the votes, but he got sick a day before being made President, then he died.

CAZUZA: During a show in Canecão ( Rio de Janeiro ), whilst smoking his cigarette, he puffed out some smoke into the air and said: God, that's for you. I can't even explain how he died.

THE MAN WHO BUILT TITANIC: After the construction of Titanic, a reporter asked him how safe the Titanic would be. With an ironic tone he said: "Not even God can sink it" The result: I think you all know what happened to the Titanic.

MARILYN MONROE: She was visited by Billy Graham during a presentation of a show. He is a preacher and Evangelist and the Spirit of God had sent him to preach to her. After hearing what the Preacher had to say, she said: "I don't need your Jesus" A week later, she was found dead in her apartment.

BON SCOTT: The ex-vocalist of the AC/DC. On one of his 1979 songs he sang: "Don´t stop me, I´m going down all the way, wow the highway to hell". On the 19th of February 1980, Bon Scott was found dead, he had been choked by his vomit.

CAMPINAS/SP IN 2005 In Campinas, a group of friends, drunk, went to pick up a friend. The mother accompanied her to the car and was so worried about the drunkenness of her friends and she said to the daughter - holding her hand, who was already seated in the car: "MY DAUGHTER, GO WITH GOD AND MAY HE PROTECT YOU", She responded: ONLY IF HE (GOD) TRAVELS IN THE BOOT, COZ INSIDE HERE IT'S ALREADY FULL" Hours later, news came by that they had been involved in a fatal accident, everyone had died, the car could not be recognized what type of car it had been, but surprisingly, the boot was intact. The police said there was no way the boot could have remained intact. To their surprise, inside the boot was a crate of eggs, none was broken.

Many more important people have forgotten that there is no other name that was given so much authority as the name of Jesus. Many have died, but only Jesus died and rose again, and he is still alive. JESUS!!!

P.S: If it was a joke, you could have sent it to everyone. So are you going to have courage to send this?. I have done my part, Jesus said "If you get embarrassed about me, I will also get embarrassed about you before my father What benefit does it have, if a man gains the whole world but loses his soul? What can man give in exchange of his soul? (Mathew 16:26).


First off.....I'm not against Christianity, I want to make that perfectly clear. I think that if you have a belief and it gives your life purpose and meaning, then it's a good thing.

Much like shock rockers, it's not the artist, but the fans that are a problem, and so goes the same thing with most religions. It's the followers that get a bit obsessive and the particular tactic they use here is complete batshit.
What tactic? The Fear tactic. Fear God and do what he says.....or else.

This makes me irate.

These people can't seriously believe, that God smote them for mocking him...

Yeah and you better not either lest the same thing happens to YOU!

Let me tell you something. I'm not Christian, but as I said above, I don't have a problem with it.
But I have read the bible, and if god made us in his own image Then. the guy has a sense of fucking humour.
He knows if you're damned and he knows if you're not. It isn't a big deal.

If you want to be a Christian, go love your fellow man, don't judge them, and don't send out dumb ass letters like this! You have better things to do like, oh I don't know, FEED A POOR PERSON!!

If you want to promote your religion, I don't have a problem with it either, just don't hit me with a dogmatic ultimatum. In fact it's this kind of thinking that turned me off of it in the first place.

It's funny how they didn't mention all the good virtuous things the people above did.....

Another thing , READ THE WHOLE BOOK!!! Just because one fucking Psalm or Corinthians makes sense to you doesn't mean you should take it so seriously by itself. Believe it or not (whether I agree with the book or not) there are some lessons in there....Like.. a lot of other books.....Take.a look at those instead.....

I'm not pissed at the person who sent this, Although I am curious as to why they thought I would dig it.

The person that composed it though can go floss their ass with a burning thistle bush!


And he looked upon it, and saw that it was good!

Saturday, February 04, 2006

....So I said to her, I'll explain the dildo, if YOU explain the kids!!

There is something in me.......

I feel I need to write about it but I can't put my finger on exactly what it is.

I went dancing with a few friends this evening. It was a weird night for all of us. The female friend I was with exclaimed"Man my reason for acting weird is biological, what is your guy's excuse?!"

But alas we had none.

The bar played an ok set, but there was just no real dancing for me...Or for any of us for that matter. It just wasn't that fun. No matter, there will be other nights.

To me the night had a weird film on it, like something was about to happen....

Good or bad I had no idea, but it was one of those nights I guess where you feel one chapter of your life closing and another one beginning. Something about that is scary because you just got used to the chapter, but you know things have changed so you know you must move along. There is also something very exciting about it with some nervous tension, like the first time you are intimate with someone new.

Some things happen that lead me to believe we choose our own life to a point, and then a bunch of randomness makes up the rest.....Cause it makes sense to me that way but then, sometimes things happen in your life and you have to wonder if it isn't all connected somehow, like things happen for a reason, for good or ill.

I really don't know if any of you are getting what I'm putting out....But it is just odd, but something kinda funny happened to me just before I entered the bar.

I was walking along, when suddenly, this older woman with no teeth and a baseball cap tugs on my sleeve and says......"HEY!!! You see this mother fucker?! 'points to person handing out Christian pamphlets of some sort' TAKE THIS MOTHER FUCKER OUT!!!"

I replied with" Sorry, I'm trying to quit" a clever saying I snagged from my "comet" as it were ;)

A couple of guys just started laughing at that, and I went to the bar. Other than the weirdness, I've been snickering at that all night. This woman in her drunken haze selected me as the angel of Death to this pamphlet chucker.

I certainly hope that isn't my purpose.....

I'm fucking off, I'm knackered.......

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

A Strange Kind of Love.......

Here is another song by Nick Cave that I just thought was one of the most beautiful songs ever....brings tears to eyes.......

Enough of my is the Lyrics.

Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Where The Wild Roses Grow

They call me The Wild Rose
But my name was Elisa Day
Why they call me it I do not know
For my name was Elisa Day

From the first day I saw her I knew she was the one
She stared in my eyes and smiled
For her lips were the colour of the roses
That grew down the river, all bloody and wild

When he knocked on my door and entered the room
My trembling subsided in his sure embrace
He would be my first man, and with a careful hand
He wiped at the tears that ran down my face

On the second day I brought her a flower
She was more beautiful than any woman I'd seen
I said, "Do you know where the wild roses grow
So sweet and scarlet and free?"

On the second day he came with a single red rose
Said: "Will you give me your loss and your sorrow"
I nodded my head, as I lay on the bed
He said, "If I show you the roses, will you follow?"

On the third day he took me to the river
He showed me the roses and we kissed
And the last thing I heard was a muttered word
As he knelt above me with a rock in his fist

On the last day I took her where the wild roses grow
And she lay on the bank, the wind light as a thief
And I kissed her goodbye, said, "All beauty must die"
And lent down and planted a rose between her teeth

They call me The Wild Rose
But my name was Elisa Day
Why they call me it I do not know
For my name was Elisa Day


Ok so it loses something when you just put the lyrics down, but trust me...the song is amazing. I will have something new of all you guys soon enough, but for have the poem.

Peace Out