All I See, Is Infinite Beauty….and Robots…..Beauty and Robots.
I said I would write again when there were things to tell, and by God there are now! The New Year and a bit before it has brought on a score of change.
Let’s get right down to it then shall we? Good! Steady on!
My friend Kibilz decided he was going to buy a house, and so he did. To help with the mortgage he was going to turn his basement into a make shift bachelor suite that he was going to rent out. Since I loved living alone in Ontario I thought what the hell, I’ll take him up on this wonderful offer and finally have a place on my own after all this time. Jovknee my room mate was not a factor in this decision I just simply like having my own space.
So Kibilz and I have been building this fucking thing for the past month now with the help of our friend Kevin. It’s interesting to watch something like this go up, especially when you’ve never done this sort of thing before. So by February 1st it should be ready, and I’ll have a lair of my own once more!
This did leave Jovknee with the problem of finding another room mate, and I was worried about it for a while but it appears that the situation has been rectified. We shall call her “Mittens”. I have no bloody clue as to why we shall call her that. My friend Rimmy names people in my life. He’s usually good at it. If he doesn’t hit the mark it’s usually amusing so it’s all good.
This new room mate is pretty cool so far and I don’t have to worry any more.
Oh, if Mittens is reading this….you can blame Rimmy when he calls our house…and he will, for the name.
Mittens has a dog and so does Jovknee. The dogs get along great. The often spend time doing the “Canine 500” around the house and let me tell you, dogs + hard wood floors = Comedy gold. They can’t corner worth a damn. The beasts just run around crashing into things and biting each other. I wonder why we as a race don’t do that sort of thing anymore. Maybe we do.
There must be a club where you can do that….
Of course for Christmas I went home to B.C. and spent time with my Mother an Grandmother as always. It was a good and relaxing time…as always. The family I got left are great, simply great. After I got home from that trip is where the serious adventures begin.
My friends Scoob and Pink/Toque (Code names to protect the awesome) just announced they are getting married. WOOOHOOO I say! Conrad’s you crazy bastards! My Friend Gravedigger is apparently having a kid with his wife. I can’t comment on this, because I have nothing nice to say about his wife. It isn’t even amusing, just vulgar so I’ll leave it at that.
The Night if Dec 27th
Gothic/Industrial night at the Soda Night Club called Chimera.
That was a bloody good time. I got very drunk, danced like a fool, and met some kick ass people that I haven’t seen in a very very long time.
I do not remember much of that evening but I saw some pictures. I knew I was having fun because I looked an absolute tit, which is ok I suppose.
I kind of remember escorting some friends to a train station, and I think I got a cab ride home. I’m doing that again the next time it happens.
The Night of Dec 28th
A friend of mine Kat invited me to her house party so it was this night that I went (Her name needs no protection. The Awesome just shines through anyway). The party was fancy dress encouraged so of course being me I went all out in pirate gear! This night was awesome! Kat was a fabulous host, the company was second to none. I had some interesting mushroom tea…that did nothing but was delicious! I drank 20 oz of scotch to myself! I played some music with some people! Things got blurry and twisted until the morning time where the remainder of the guests and I, along with Kat had breakfast and talked about things. With yet another bender under my belt and well sleep deprived, it was time for me o go home and rest as I had another event to go to the next night/that night. Twas brilliant!
The Night of the 29th
A friend from Gore Games Danielle, invited me out for her birthday. A bunch of people having Japanese food to start, then off to the Republik Night club. I clearly haven’t had enough booze for one weekend so off I went! I decided tonight would be a good night to wear the priest collar.
Sushi was pretty good, but a lot of it didn’t agree with me as the scotch from the previous evening made my stomach all fucking cranky. That’s ok; there was booze to be had after. Off to the club! A group of us get there an promptly start drinking like fish. I got some interesting reactions to the collar. Some liked it. Some got their pic taken with me. One girl wasn’t all that impressed with me. Conversation is as fallows.
Her: Are you really a Priest?
Me: I’ll get back to you on that..
Her: Does the shirt help with the ladies?
Me: Perhaps..
Her: You’re not as interesting as I thought you would be.
She walks off. I laughed as she did and thought “Well you are as shallow as I thought you were going to be, so one out of two isn’t bad……cunt..”
The rest of the night was pretty good. Danielle is a peach and her friends are pretty wicked so for not knowing people all that well that evening it went well.
The Night of the 30th
I went to a sea food place called Bookers and ate 8 pounds of Crab. It was a holocaust. Hey I don’t feel bad! What if those bastards try to take over huh? I ain’t takin no guff from something with out a skeleton! So help keep the crustaceans down! That night was sweet. Sweet Crustacean murder! :D
New Years Eve how ever was when it all turned around, as in it was bad.
It didn’t start out bad though. Neal picked me up from work and we ran a few errands that day and generally had a good fucking time. We had just got electronic drums and the general plan was to go up to his cousin’s house and jam for New Years. Fucking brilliant plan! His cousin’s house is out in the middle of nowhere. No one can hear you scream let alone jam. So off we go to Neal’s cousin’s house.
Everything is pretty cool for a while. I get very drunk again as does everyone else which includes Neal, his wife, our friend Elli and Neal’s cousin. Another guy named James or Josh I believe was there along with a couple of other women that didn’t stay for long. I would say “What a pity” but it turned out to be a good thing they left. Josh didn’t leave but it was ok he didn’t. He turned out to be a pretty kick ass bloke. It was a night of joy and merriment for a while but then as I said, it all changed.
Neal has been having some minor anger issues while drunk. It doesn’t happen every time, but every so often they appear, and when they do he usually disappears. Not this time. It started out with arguing with his wife. This argument got really loud and it wasn’t long before Neal had a complete psychotic episode. The man was flailing abuse about the place and didn’t miss an opportunity to hurt someone. Not in the physical sense but in other ways mostly verbal. He managed to smash a lot of things as well including parts of his cousin’s place. We were in the middle of nowhere and no one could hear you scream. Damned right. We waited till he exhausted himself out, talking and trying to joke around for the rest of the time. Eventually we went to sleep but it wasn’t a good sleep. That sort of abuse brings out awful feelings and memories. I know that Neal has his issues, everyone does. You have a choice whether to control them or not, and if you can’t you can bail.
So it was then I decided I wasn’t going to play music or be friends with him, at least for now. That really sucks cause he is an awesome guy and a great musician, but there is shit I just wont tolerate. On top of that he smashed the electronics drums I paid for. It was not a good evening.
We’re civil now and he’s paying me back and he knows what he did wrong so I guess there is that but still, losing a friend is never a good thing for what ever reason, especially when you’re the one breaking it off.
Let us hope the year is better than its ringing in.
When I finally get back to work I got some interesting news. My manager is leaving the company. She’s the one that got along with us great and managed to get us a kick ass raise. Apparently it was like going on a bloody crusade just to get more money for us. She is fed up with her superiors not listening to her and not being able to move the company anywhere. The people running the show are idiots and want things just the way they are, so she said “fuck this” and left. I don’t blame her and ever since she left I felt a sort of apathy towards my job. There is nothing I can really do short of mass murder that can get me fired so, it’s time to start pushing boundaries little by little and see how much I can get away with. It should be a fun few months.
There is something amusing that happened to me the other night.
I was invited to a friend Karla’s birthday. I met her and her friend Sue among a few others at a strip club in the North East. Where else are you gona have a good time?! Jesus!
Anyhow after a while of hanging out, they decide they want to dance, and that’s cool. They want to go to the gay bar and they ask me if it’s ok. I said sure, why not! Buy the ticket, take the ride! So off we go!
Now I must admit, as we approached the place I felt “The Fear”.
That sucks because I thought I was better than that. It was a strange place with people I didn’t know very well and on top of that it was a whole new element but still, why the hell feel fear?! Ah well I swallowed it like a man and went inside.
Now on top of this I wasn’t really in the mood for drinking or dancing. It had been a long week with a lot of drinking and construction of my new flat, so when they asked me to check my coat I was reluctant as I didn’t know how long I was going to stay. I didn’t want to pay the two dollars if I wasn’t staying so I decided I was going to leave. In some weird way I felt defeated but I knew it made sense. As I’m discussing my exit with Sue a small door Nazi explains to me in an ever so feminine lisp that he wants me to either check my coat or leave because he cannot keep an eye on my and the door at the same time. I looked by the door and saw no one. I was clearly a menace to him. So not to upset the gentleman any more I decided to get Sue’s number so that we could all hook up another time. Unfortunately I wasn’t granted enough time to do this. The Door man Nazi was adamant now telling me not to piss him off and to leave immediately or check my coat. It was then I took my queue and disappeared into the night back home.
There you have it folks. First time inside a gay bar and I get kicked out for not checking my coat fast enough. I must be incredibly sexy. Too bad it doesn’t work that way in the other clubs.
I apologize because I know this has been a long post but don’t fret, it is nearly at its completion. My Friend Pam turned me on to yet another awesome thing. Dr. Steel and his wonderful music and message. This man is amazing! He dresses like a mad scientist from the 1940s and his music fits that very description. Pam, I’m your slave forever if you wish it simply for the amount of awesome I’ve been exposed to because of you!
Last thing.
I’m planning my trip to Ontario to visit some friends in March. Its been 2 years, way too long to have myself deprived of my friends wonderful company out there. My heart is filled with so much joy at the thought.
Thanks so much for reading, now go do something interesting instead of reading this dribble! I for one, am going to sleep and am going to dream some dreamy dreams.
I love you!.........maybe……
Let’s get right down to it then shall we? Good! Steady on!
My friend Kibilz decided he was going to buy a house, and so he did. To help with the mortgage he was going to turn his basement into a make shift bachelor suite that he was going to rent out. Since I loved living alone in Ontario I thought what the hell, I’ll take him up on this wonderful offer and finally have a place on my own after all this time. Jovknee my room mate was not a factor in this decision I just simply like having my own space.
So Kibilz and I have been building this fucking thing for the past month now with the help of our friend Kevin. It’s interesting to watch something like this go up, especially when you’ve never done this sort of thing before. So by February 1st it should be ready, and I’ll have a lair of my own once more!
This did leave Jovknee with the problem of finding another room mate, and I was worried about it for a while but it appears that the situation has been rectified. We shall call her “Mittens”. I have no bloody clue as to why we shall call her that. My friend Rimmy names people in my life. He’s usually good at it. If he doesn’t hit the mark it’s usually amusing so it’s all good.
This new room mate is pretty cool so far and I don’t have to worry any more.
Oh, if Mittens is reading this….you can blame Rimmy when he calls our house…and he will, for the name.
Mittens has a dog and so does Jovknee. The dogs get along great. The often spend time doing the “Canine 500” around the house and let me tell you, dogs + hard wood floors = Comedy gold. They can’t corner worth a damn. The beasts just run around crashing into things and biting each other. I wonder why we as a race don’t do that sort of thing anymore. Maybe we do.
There must be a club where you can do that….
Of course for Christmas I went home to B.C. and spent time with my Mother an Grandmother as always. It was a good and relaxing time…as always. The family I got left are great, simply great. After I got home from that trip is where the serious adventures begin.
My friends Scoob and Pink/Toque (Code names to protect the awesome) just announced they are getting married. WOOOHOOO I say! Conrad’s you crazy bastards! My Friend Gravedigger is apparently having a kid with his wife. I can’t comment on this, because I have nothing nice to say about his wife. It isn’t even amusing, just vulgar so I’ll leave it at that.
The Night if Dec 27th
Gothic/Industrial night at the Soda Night Club called Chimera.
That was a bloody good time. I got very drunk, danced like a fool, and met some kick ass people that I haven’t seen in a very very long time.
I do not remember much of that evening but I saw some pictures. I knew I was having fun because I looked an absolute tit, which is ok I suppose.
I kind of remember escorting some friends to a train station, and I think I got a cab ride home. I’m doing that again the next time it happens.
The Night of Dec 28th
A friend of mine Kat invited me to her house party so it was this night that I went (Her name needs no protection. The Awesome just shines through anyway). The party was fancy dress encouraged so of course being me I went all out in pirate gear! This night was awesome! Kat was a fabulous host, the company was second to none. I had some interesting mushroom tea…that did nothing but was delicious! I drank 20 oz of scotch to myself! I played some music with some people! Things got blurry and twisted until the morning time where the remainder of the guests and I, along with Kat had breakfast and talked about things. With yet another bender under my belt and well sleep deprived, it was time for me o go home and rest as I had another event to go to the next night/that night. Twas brilliant!
The Night of the 29th
A friend from Gore Games Danielle, invited me out for her birthday. A bunch of people having Japanese food to start, then off to the Republik Night club. I clearly haven’t had enough booze for one weekend so off I went! I decided tonight would be a good night to wear the priest collar.
Sushi was pretty good, but a lot of it didn’t agree with me as the scotch from the previous evening made my stomach all fucking cranky. That’s ok; there was booze to be had after. Off to the club! A group of us get there an promptly start drinking like fish. I got some interesting reactions to the collar. Some liked it. Some got their pic taken with me. One girl wasn’t all that impressed with me. Conversation is as fallows.
Her: Are you really a Priest?
Me: I’ll get back to you on that..
Her: Does the shirt help with the ladies?
Me: Perhaps..
Her: You’re not as interesting as I thought you would be.
She walks off. I laughed as she did and thought “Well you are as shallow as I thought you were going to be, so one out of two isn’t bad……cunt..”
The rest of the night was pretty good. Danielle is a peach and her friends are pretty wicked so for not knowing people all that well that evening it went well.
The Night of the 30th
I went to a sea food place called Bookers and ate 8 pounds of Crab. It was a holocaust. Hey I don’t feel bad! What if those bastards try to take over huh? I ain’t takin no guff from something with out a skeleton! So help keep the crustaceans down! That night was sweet. Sweet Crustacean murder! :D
New Years Eve how ever was when it all turned around, as in it was bad.
It didn’t start out bad though. Neal picked me up from work and we ran a few errands that day and generally had a good fucking time. We had just got electronic drums and the general plan was to go up to his cousin’s house and jam for New Years. Fucking brilliant plan! His cousin’s house is out in the middle of nowhere. No one can hear you scream let alone jam. So off we go to Neal’s cousin’s house.
Everything is pretty cool for a while. I get very drunk again as does everyone else which includes Neal, his wife, our friend Elli and Neal’s cousin. Another guy named James or Josh I believe was there along with a couple of other women that didn’t stay for long. I would say “What a pity” but it turned out to be a good thing they left. Josh didn’t leave but it was ok he didn’t. He turned out to be a pretty kick ass bloke. It was a night of joy and merriment for a while but then as I said, it all changed.
Neal has been having some minor anger issues while drunk. It doesn’t happen every time, but every so often they appear, and when they do he usually disappears. Not this time. It started out with arguing with his wife. This argument got really loud and it wasn’t long before Neal had a complete psychotic episode. The man was flailing abuse about the place and didn’t miss an opportunity to hurt someone. Not in the physical sense but in other ways mostly verbal. He managed to smash a lot of things as well including parts of his cousin’s place. We were in the middle of nowhere and no one could hear you scream. Damned right. We waited till he exhausted himself out, talking and trying to joke around for the rest of the time. Eventually we went to sleep but it wasn’t a good sleep. That sort of abuse brings out awful feelings and memories. I know that Neal has his issues, everyone does. You have a choice whether to control them or not, and if you can’t you can bail.
So it was then I decided I wasn’t going to play music or be friends with him, at least for now. That really sucks cause he is an awesome guy and a great musician, but there is shit I just wont tolerate. On top of that he smashed the electronics drums I paid for. It was not a good evening.
We’re civil now and he’s paying me back and he knows what he did wrong so I guess there is that but still, losing a friend is never a good thing for what ever reason, especially when you’re the one breaking it off.
Let us hope the year is better than its ringing in.
When I finally get back to work I got some interesting news. My manager is leaving the company. She’s the one that got along with us great and managed to get us a kick ass raise. Apparently it was like going on a bloody crusade just to get more money for us. She is fed up with her superiors not listening to her and not being able to move the company anywhere. The people running the show are idiots and want things just the way they are, so she said “fuck this” and left. I don’t blame her and ever since she left I felt a sort of apathy towards my job. There is nothing I can really do short of mass murder that can get me fired so, it’s time to start pushing boundaries little by little and see how much I can get away with. It should be a fun few months.
There is something amusing that happened to me the other night.
I was invited to a friend Karla’s birthday. I met her and her friend Sue among a few others at a strip club in the North East. Where else are you gona have a good time?! Jesus!
Anyhow after a while of hanging out, they decide they want to dance, and that’s cool. They want to go to the gay bar and they ask me if it’s ok. I said sure, why not! Buy the ticket, take the ride! So off we go!
Now I must admit, as we approached the place I felt “The Fear”.
That sucks because I thought I was better than that. It was a strange place with people I didn’t know very well and on top of that it was a whole new element but still, why the hell feel fear?! Ah well I swallowed it like a man and went inside.
Now on top of this I wasn’t really in the mood for drinking or dancing. It had been a long week with a lot of drinking and construction of my new flat, so when they asked me to check my coat I was reluctant as I didn’t know how long I was going to stay. I didn’t want to pay the two dollars if I wasn’t staying so I decided I was going to leave. In some weird way I felt defeated but I knew it made sense. As I’m discussing my exit with Sue a small door Nazi explains to me in an ever so feminine lisp that he wants me to either check my coat or leave because he cannot keep an eye on my and the door at the same time. I looked by the door and saw no one. I was clearly a menace to him. So not to upset the gentleman any more I decided to get Sue’s number so that we could all hook up another time. Unfortunately I wasn’t granted enough time to do this. The Door man Nazi was adamant now telling me not to piss him off and to leave immediately or check my coat. It was then I took my queue and disappeared into the night back home.
There you have it folks. First time inside a gay bar and I get kicked out for not checking my coat fast enough. I must be incredibly sexy. Too bad it doesn’t work that way in the other clubs.
I apologize because I know this has been a long post but don’t fret, it is nearly at its completion. My Friend Pam turned me on to yet another awesome thing. Dr. Steel and his wonderful music and message. This man is amazing! He dresses like a mad scientist from the 1940s and his music fits that very description. Pam, I’m your slave forever if you wish it simply for the amount of awesome I’ve been exposed to because of you!
Last thing.
I’m planning my trip to Ontario to visit some friends in March. Its been 2 years, way too long to have myself deprived of my friends wonderful company out there. My heart is filled with so much joy at the thought.
Thanks so much for reading, now go do something interesting instead of reading this dribble! I for one, am going to sleep and am going to dream some dreamy dreams.
I love you!.........maybe……
hehehe your posts are always so very interesting and fun to read :)
and yay for engagement/wedding plans! we should probably actually finish planning all of that, lol.
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