Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Ah God. Give Him an Inch, He’ll Take Infinity

It has been a while people so I am sorry for not posting sooner, although it isn’t as if I’ve gotten any comments anyway.

Things have been very busy, and it seems it was spring just a minute ago and now tis summer. As much as a lot of others are into this season, I’m not all that partial to it. I like it don’t get me wrong but it certainly isn’t my favorite. I really do like fall and spring the best.

And now it’s time to talk about something that pisses me off. I like this stuff :D

I do have certain beliefs and theories as to why this whole universe thing is around and I can understand how people especially in large groups can believe in something like this too. I can even understand preaching it, as when you think an idea is great you want to share, fair enough. I really can’t stand it though when people are arrogant enough to believe that this idea or story is the one true idea or story and refuse to believe anything else presented to them. That’s annoying.
It’s when the killing starts that you really got to wonder. If you murder over something/someone that may or may not exist, you’re madder than a sack of badgers.
Using this belief to try to dislodge another idea, even if there are facts to prove it is also a load of dingo’s kidneys.
This is why I think it’s comedy gold, when a suicide bomber misses all targets.



I don’t blame Islam or Christianity or any other faith for it’s atrocities. I blame the people.

Blame not the band, blame the fans. Any great dogmatic or political ideal has been ruined by….


Some people say that if only we would follow the true teachings of “insert random fictional being” we could learn to live in harmony. Or how if we saw the enlightened view of “Whateverism” we could govern ourselves right.

Well ladies and gentlemen, it doesn’t matter what shape the cookie cutter is when the dough is rotten.

As long as the Vatican is covered in gold and children are starving, it isn’t gona get any better.

We got to stop believing and looking to deities for help and realize the potential of being a human being. Am I saying that these deities don’t exist? No. How could I?
But when it’s an equally weighted argument that they do exist, well it gets a little shaky for me.
These ideas and stories are great, and can teach us many useful things about life. But people take them too seriously, and their belief and faith start becoming excuses for their individual desires. And fair enough, I’m guilty of the same things. But there is a certain point when you have to say “Isn’t this just a bit ridiculous?”
Jerusalem for instance is a great example. Quit killing people over dirt. The Jesus did the whole martyr thing for the lot of you so you can all have a piece, if you believe in that sort of thing. How very convenient it is that the Jews don’t believe Jesus was the Messiah now eh? Ah well.

I recently found Pat Condell. This man says it all really. I think I like him. Click on his name to view some vids and if you want to see his homepage click here.
I hope I get to meet this man before he is shot by a religious lunatic.

Now I know some of you would say to me, or not, “How can you endorse this guy when you are semi religious yourself, with the calling yourself a witch and wearing the pentacle around your neck and what not?”

I’m not really religious to tell you the honest truth. I don’t believe in deities. It’s mostly just an aesthetically pleasing way of living my life. I believe in evolution, I believe in the power of SCIENCE!!! And I believe in the power of AWESOME!!
I took a lot of things from Wicca but I wouldn’t say I’m a Wiccan. The message Wicca says has already been said in older religions. Wicca itself is only about 50 – 60 years old.
There are some traditions and what not that stretch back farther of course but actual Wicca isn’t that old. The message being: Do What You Will as Long as You Do No Harm. So My beliefs are just a way of living my life. Anything with even a breath of life deserves respect, a.k.a. don’t just kill a bug when you can put it outside, that sort of thing.
Do Unto Others how ever the hell you want, just know they can do the same. That is pretty much the extent of it really. The pentacle I wear is just a symbol I like, and I like some of the things in represents. It can represent being a friend to the Earth. It can represent protection. It can represent rebellion and free will if you wear it for satanic purposes. There are many others as well. I don’t need it, but I like to have it, and I like the look.
When it comes to “magic” I don’t believe in the traditional sense of the word. I perform rituals and spells but I view them a little differently. Human will is a powerful thing. Just look at your surroundings and you can see it anywhere you go spinning around you. The cars that whiz by, the food you just bought from the store, the movie you just saw, all of it. All a product of someone’s will, and if you’re determined you can add yourself to the mix. You already do on a small scale anyway. You effect and change things just by existing, but if you want to pro-actively change something, then go and do it! You have the power! Spells and ritual help me in the same way that Katas help you in martial arts.

The spell or ritual doesn’t do the work for you; it helps you focus your energies towards whatever you want to do. I’m not doing magic; I’m doing an exercise to focus my will.
I like the traditional sigils and runes and candles and all that, but that’s only because that’s my style. You can do anything you want to accomplish this as far as I’m concerned. Whatever helps you focus is all good. Sometimes I do a ritual as a ceremony for a solstice or if someone passes on or if I wish to just send good thoughts someone’s way. I’m not really sure if this does anything or not, but the human mind is a powerful thing and all in all it can’t hurt. That’s as superstitious as I get I’m afraid.

Live the life you want to live. It’s in Your power. You don’t need a deity. If you find you do, then have the wisdom to know others don’t.

In less philosophical news The Gypsy has left my work. She got a job somewhere else, a better one, and good on her. I won’t get to look at her sweet……er……well let’s just say she was a treat to have around and has contributed to the wonderful filth in my mind.

On the Music front, Neal’s Cousin came in from Boston and has now joined the band. Not sure what to call him on here yet, but I’m sure I’ll find something. Anyhow, he’s a great addition. Now if he can only stop working 15 hours a day and 7 days a week we might be able to accomplish something concrete. He needs to though in his defense to save up for what he wants and get his feet on the ground. Until then we do what we can and party, very hard. We get practice in there too sometimes. The sounds that we create while jamming are phenomenal so it’s going to work out.

At a risk of being a little vain here, I put myself on this site so rate me if you like lol.

So since this is already a long post I’ll just sign off for now. It’s good to be back.