Thursday, November 11, 2004


For the past few days I've been feeling nostalgic.

But Fall always seems to do that for me. Its when I seem to treasure my memories the most, even if those memories aren't fall ones.

It is remembrance Day. So naturally I'm nostalgic for a time when people thought war was a bad thing, and didn't feel eager to strike pre-emptivly.
I thought the first world war taught us that.
I hope they believe its worth it. Bastards.

I never had any of my family die in either of the great wars that I know of so I'm certainly not the expert on the 11th of November. I just want the world to be a better p;ace and I would like some indication that humanity has learned something from all those casualties.
Better luck next time I suppose.

I'm nostalgic for a time when the holidays meant something, like when you were a kid. All the bad stuff in life seemed to slip away when all your cousins and family friends would gather at one special place and there would be food, gifts, and fun had by all. Now all the family and friends have moved off and we count how low our pocket books are at the end of the holidays instead of our blessings. I know its tough especially if you don't have a lot of money, but once in a while I just want to remember how it used to seem even though even back then it wasn't perfect.

The smell of Egg Nog. The taste of candy canes and foreign oranges.
The sound of cats bounding into heaps of crumpled and ripped wrapping paper. It was brilliant!

In these times I feel Nostalgic for my Cottage aswell. My grandmothers guest house that in our early year spent the night in,and then our later early years living in. It was the days in my early teens when sneaking out at 3 am to walk to the 7-11 was a great ball of bouncing fun. Now I do it cause I have a shitty sleeping schedule and I'm hungry.
We were such "bad asses". While street kids in L.A. were shooting speedballs for the first time, we....The Canadian bad boys were out switching "For Sale" signs from one lawn to another.
I know what your thinking"WOW...You guys gave Marlin Brando a run for his money!" We felt like we did, and that's all that mattered.
One night we(Me, my cousin Kris, and my cousin Marc) were on out running around doing the "For Sale Sign Switch"
when a cop saw us and flashed his lights. We ran, but he was gaining.
All month before this my cousin Kris, who was living in the cottage at the time, had this"How to Learn the Ways of Ninja" book.

C'mon, when your 14 that shits cooler than an Elvis Sunday.

Anyhow , we had dashed into this yard and the cop pulled in. In our desperation we took the advice of the book and we blended into the scenery or this persons yard. It appeared that it worked! Because the cop looked around and then started towards this persons door. As soon as the cop was questioning the person at the door we booked it. We ran and ran...Through the bushes...Through an ally and headed straight for the beach access near there. We ran along the beach until we reached my grandparents beach access. We slithered our way into the yard and back into the cottage without detection.

We must have hid for half hour on the floor of the cottage bedroom in complete darkness. What a night! ;) At least it was for the 3 of us.

That was back in 92 I think.

I'm even nostalgic for the later years where we would all get completely drunk and complain about how much sex we weren't getting. Well those of us that told the truth that is.

If you're reading this you know who you are!

Or simply for the days when I had the damn place all to myself.

Those days were from 94 till about 00 off and on.

I have a place to myself now but its not the same. In some ways it's better and in some ways it's not better. I have the place to myself for sure, but I live in Ontario now. This means all my family and friends at at LEAST 3000 miles away. Except for my fiance ofcourse, she's only 500 or 600 miles away and in the U.S. So I'm pretty alone out here.
Oh sure I have friends out here but I've only known them for about a year or so.
I'm grateful for them though none the less.

I think I've dribbled on long enough for you to get my drift.



Blogger Arkamedies said...

"How to Learn the Ways of Ninja" book....I was just thinking about that book a few nights ago. Boy the good times we had back then. I was walking by an Aikido school on the way to work when I thought of it.

I recalled the police officer and another incident involing a local drunk cowboy from OKM accosting us on the side of the road with his girlfriend pleading to take her home and leave us alone.

That got me thinking about playing Rodney King between the cottage and 7-11. Now that was a good time had by all. Ah, the memories.....

10:16 AM  
Blogger Fictional Correspondant said...

Jesus Cartwheeling Krist ! ;)

I totally forgot about the Rodney King Game!

Allow me to explain to everyone else.

This is where Kris(Arkamedies) me and my cousin Marc(altho sometimes it was someone else) went out on to the street late at night and waited for a car to come.

Once the car was passing us , we would all pretend to beat the living hell out of one of our posse(We took turns ;) )
It was an interesting test...sometimes the cars would just speed on by to get away from the so called"incodent" while a few stopped to quel the beating.

It was fun while we were young, but since there was no one around to save my as when I was really beaten on the side of the road by 3 big homies, It just isn't any good to cry wolf.

But at the was OFF THE HOOK!!! ;)

One time I believe we had one of those hallow plastic bats,

Now that was fun ;)

8:48 AM  

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