Monday, November 01, 2004

The Mistake


I went to a Halloween party last Saturday. It was all good. I was dressed sharper than seven paper cuts dipped in lemon juice so I was feeling good. I even made a "Punk Rock Pumpkin" which was a normal small green pumpkin, carved and I used carrots for a Mohawk. Very Amusing so it was and everyone loved it.

This party went fairly well until someone decided to offer me some brownies.

These were not ordinary brownies however. I was not mislead, they told me what was in them. I myself believe that pot really isn't that big of a deal and the only reason I haven't tried it in the past was because I don't smoke, and I don't want to smoke....ANYTHING. But if they were baked into something I said to myself I would give it a go.

And so I did.

I was drinking a little that evening but not as much to say I got drunk. Because I didn't get drunk. Anyhow , when the time came to pass some around I took one, and the party continued unabated.

Nothing happened.

So an hour or so after hanging out some people asked if the sinister chocolate was working on me, and it wasn't not to my knowledge. They told me to have another. So I did.

Nothing happened.

A few friends and I decided we were going to now go off to the Goth club"decent". Which was a good Idea considering if you're ever going to go,Halloween is the night to do it. Also it would be a crime to not show off how particularly good I looked that evening. I would also see other neat costumes I thought.

Anyhow I snagged a third brownie before we left.

Now apparently one of these should have been enough, so three would in theory put out a charging heard of space elephants. That's what they say anyway.
We leave for the bar,then as it happens we got to the bar. Wonders never cease.

It was in the club when it hit me.

I was suddenly stuck in a state that I can only describe as"un-clever" or "anti-cleverness". It was like a fog of Dumb had descended upon me.
I sat in a chair for a while, then I stood for a while, then I went back to sitting.
In that time I had four women hit on me altho I hardly noticed because I was too busy watching my I.Q. skyrocket downwards.

what's all the hype about? The rap songs, The T-Shirts, The Hippies, The Political Party, what's up with this drug and why do people like it?

It makes you unable to really DO anything! It sucks dry your every ounce of wit! You laugh at the stupidest of things and you look even stupider than that stupid thing you are laughing at!
I couldn't think my way out of a wet paper bag!

I Hate Wet Paper Bags ;)

If Ambition ever had a single arch enemy then Pot would be it.
I've had more fun getting drunk and then regurgitating my entire stomach!

Time moves slow too while your all buggered up on this stuff and that makes it even worse. Safe to say that I'm never touching the stuff again.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not against the product. If you like it then by all means do it. I just don't understand why. I've experimented with magic mushrooms and I had a fucking blast! You got funny tickley tingles all over you, you thought abstract thoughts that no one ever thought possible , people watching you are entertained AND you don't become"un-clever" I would do it again giving the circumstances so its not like this is an anti-drug rant. Do what you want as long as your not killing people, operating heavy machinery,serving the MAN,or getting addicted and wasting my tax dollars on getting a primate off your back!

Anyhow, I just don't understand what all the fuss is about. I've had to drink tons of tea just to get my wit back to optimum level.

that's my piece

Dig it.


Blogger Rimmy said...

A couple of notes - smoking the mighty herb allows it to be absorbed into your bloodstream more quickly than having to be digested, and you're only getting it a puff at a time that way, rather than a full tossed THC salad worth the other way.

All that aside - LMFAO @ you!

You might want to consider doing it more often, as how frequently do you have four women hitting on you in the same night? ;)

9:22 PM  
Blogger Fictional Correspondant said...

It wasn't The Herb that attracted I'm afraid ;)

3:26 AM  
Blogger Rimmy said...

Well, unless your johnson with a bolt through it was hanging out of your pantaloons with a plastic midget doing chinups, I wouldn't leave anything to chance. Have another brownie. ;)

10:57 AM  

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