Saturday, October 23, 2004

If Society Was A Boar,I'd Be The Head Tit!

This is my little blog. Hooorah. Break out the biscuits and salamander.

The title of this blog and posting is sometimes how I feel. Utterly Painfully Useless. Whine Whine Bitch Bitch I know but that's why the post is called what it is. Enough Whining.

I'm a professional gimp that is sometimes a writer and sometimes a musician. But I'm always cooler than fifteen ice boxes stuck in the middle of a comet!

Being a professional gimp means I earn disability pay from the government because,(and get ready for this) I am disabled. I'm not dying or insane(altho the later is debatable) and my legs work just fine,the only problem is I can't really see worth a damn,altho I'm far from blind. That being as it may I really don't want to just sit around and take money from tax payers. But as of late that's all I've been doing. Nothing musically nor creatively has been able to escape my mind. But that will change soon,and next year I will be in College to be a radio broadcaster. NEAT HUH!
Well it seems I'm on a rant,but allas I am hungry . So this first post must end for now boring as it is.


Blogger Rimmy said...

Ah dude, I've been there. I'm sometimes still there. What with game coming to a grinding halt, and my current hours of operation sort of screw up with me even hooking up with anybody online, which was/is my major social interaction. Gah.

But you ain't no gimp, dude. Between bashing Humpty Dumpty and "I free POWs", you're a (seems like sometimes) pharmaceutically-enhanced engine of mass amusement. And even the MAN can't take that away from you.

So chin up, testicles steady.

And consider that there are guys you know that probably couldn't get laid in a women's prison with a fistful of pardons. ;)

6:03 PM  
Blogger Fictional Correspondant said...

"pharmaceutically-enhanced engine of mass amusement"

I think thats the best complement I have recieved in my who B'Jesus Damned Life :)

2:35 PM  

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