Friday, November 05, 2004


Anger has never been one of my good emotions but,I'm going to try my hand at it.

I'm pissed. At everyone. Yes there are some recent events that made me feel this way but enough of this relevance bollocks.

Lets look at the U.S. fucking election first.

I'm not all that educated on all the info about the current president but I know what stupid is and America apparently has plenty of that!

Was everyone in a fear coma the past 4 years? I know I wasn't.
I don't care about the issues really. Not right now.

G.W.B. is a fucking moron,even watching him talk is evidence of that. Never mind the dead soldiers and the wasted money and the loss of Americans civil liberties. I myself was a victim to the loss of liberties while trying to visit my fiance in the year of 2001. They detained me and searched all my personal stuff including my wallet without my consent. I was dressed in a suit,a top hat and black nail polish. Ofcourse I was a terrorist being I stuck out like a sore thumb and all,but we know that's what all terrorists are trying to do :P

Its just going to get worse now all because some Southern Gits that are still fighting the civil war want a "Good Ole Boy" in the White House.


You think that all there is to fear is terrorism from over seas?! What about what's in your own back yard?!
Your economy is shit! Most everyone in the world hates you! Most of you fucks that voted for Bush don't even know what its like to be poor or helpless!
Get sick or get cancer and THEN tell me how good Bush is going to do by you!

Get a clue. New York didn't vote for him and THEY were the ones hit with planes! How is that fight against terrorism going anyhow?

Right that's done then.

Number Two....

There is a fucking invention out now I just saw on the teli.

Its a fucking fridge and a T.V. all on one.
I'm not Joking its true.

What kind of Lazy fuck needs a T.V. ON their fridge! The effort that went into making that could have gone into better schools! Or the environment! Or fucking Aids research!
But I understand. You all want to get fat. That's great.
I'm not sure that part of the rant was real important but something had to be said for human idiocy.

Number Three

Drunk Drivers and Rapists

You all deserve the Clorox Flu shot.

Nuff Said.

Number Four.

tobacco companies

I just love those people that profit off addiction legally don't you? And all you cunts that claim to enjoy smoking. Your addicted. On top of that your making the air for the rest of us harder to breathe. Don't justify it by telling us its your choice! You fucks are addicted and are too stupid to admit it. Your wasting your money by giving it to people that don't care about you or anyone on this planet.

Drop Fucking Dead!

Your all Cunts! and Just remember, There is a Dick out there Just waiting to fuck you silly and sideways with barbed wire!

that's about all the hate and anger I'm going to excrete for one day.

I feel better already! :)


Blogger Fictional Correspondant said...

Hey Vanessa. Where be your blog at?


11:23 PM  
Blogger Rimmy said...

Dude, they only tossed your belongings because they didn't want Baron Fucking Samedi coming in and stinking the place up. It's an honest mistake.

That tv fridge has been out for a while. LG did it first. Tracks your food, lets you surf... what's wrong with that? Don't YOU want to stand up in your kitchen and watch badly-lit amateur porn, or see what Strongbad has to say? Get with the times, Baron. ;)

I half wonder if your rant about smoking came from my blog where I said that they should go back to making cigarettes dried shredded tobacco wrapped in a leaf. Did I set this train wreck in motion? Am I amused at the results?

I think we've got a double yes here. :)

10:50 AM  

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