Friday, July 08, 2005

Anti-Climactic Resolution

Well, the dilemma is done and over with.

Evie has left the game. My cat is playing with her crumpled up character sheet as I type.

Our new player who I named Ha Ran' Na has been running a game of EXalted for the past few weeks, giving me time to play a game for a change instead of running one all the time. This gave me ample opportunity to rest and get inspired for my World of Darkness game.

And I am!

So last game was the last EXalted game we play until August. So it was time to finally talk to Evie about the whole thing. Although I was pretty dead sure she was dead sure about leaving anyhow.

Me: So Evie, are you going to be in my World of Darkness game anymore?
Her: No.
Me: Alrighty then.

...and that was it.

Now, I know I said in my last posts that I was going to give her a talking to about her behavior. But I gave it some serious thought, some more serious thought actually.
I thought, What would be the point in chewing her out?
My answer? None.

Why did I think this? Let me tell you.

The point of chewing her out was basically to let her know that how she went about the whole situation was completely immature and rude.

That makes sense although, I think she knows that already.
Usually if you know you are, or have been an ass about something, you would if you had any respect for the person, or courage, apologize to him/her.

truly, that's all I would ever want from some one who did something like that, and that would be the point of chewing some one out, to show them that feelings can be hurt and so on and so on and in that, they realize they were an ass and apologize....If they care enough.

I could tell from Evies body language that she didn't feel comfortable with me talking to her about it, because as the conversation above took place she just turned and walked away AS it was happening.

So she didn't give a damn.

I'm not going to chew her out because there would be no point. If she had the courage to admit she was an ass she would have done it already, and I'm certainly not going to force it out of her.

She is young, but not THAT young, and she SHOULD know better.

So, things are resolved anyway, and I believe I dealt with it in the most mature way possible.


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