Monday, November 15, 2004

My Shity Conspiracy Theory

I was watching T.V. one day and I saw a commercial. I had seen this commercial many times but on one particular time I picked up a detail.

The commercial was for toilet paper and how they could make it softer or something....and they had women on there feeling certain fabrics.

Mayhap you saw it.

Anyhow I noticed that every one of the women had wedding bands on.

I know its an odd thing to take notice of, but there was a specific camera shot of each of the women's hand feeling the fabric and the wedding band was clearly visible. Not thinking about it more than that I continued my watching of the picture box unabated.

Then I noticed it in other commercials.

It appears that if you're a woman that seems to be over the age of 25 in an advert, you must have a wedding band visible at some point in it.
I've tried to take note of this when ever I watch commercials but it escapes me most of the time. Then I saw another one with this man asleep on a bed holding his baby child, also asleep, in his arms and this advert clearly showed a wedding band on his hand.


Is the media trying to brainwash us(more so than normal) into thinking that if we are women over 25 or are any one with children we must be married? Or is it just some commercials I've seen and not in all of them.

Or is it I'm just paranoid with too much time on my hands?

It certainly wouldn't surprise me though if C.O. America was putting these small subliminal things in adverts as some sort of"Moral Guide".

I would like your thoughts on this. Take notice to commercials and tell me what you think.

Dig It.


Blogger ScottB said...

interesting, and a good eye my friend. Though I'm inclined to think that it's probably some really mundane reason: like it's just some poor LA hack-actor/actress "real-life" ring that they keep on their finger. But what do I know? You might be onto something here...

11:49 PM  
Blogger Rimmy said...

Two thoughts for the price of one!

Thought the first: the ring is to add emphasis to the hand. The same way that people wear certain styles of clothing or do their hair a certain way - it's not to make you look at the hair or clothes, it's to bring accent the person.

And two - in both Canada in the US (which is where most of the commercials YOU tend to see are from), something like 75%+ people are in a family. That doesn't mean you have a brother, I'm talking of a variation on the mom+dad+sibling type family. So the ring, if it's there to promote such, is just to appeal to what would be the widest possible audience.

Unless there's a diamond in it, in which case the diamond cartel is at it again. Fiends.

11:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Remember the word "america" covers the areas of Canada as well as Mexico and the United States.Just had to set that straight. ;-)

Did you ever think those "subliminal" wedding ring commercials are telling YOU something? Just had to set that straight too! ;-)

1:08 AM  

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