On Censorship
Lets sit down and ask ourselves why.
There are apparently some things that some of us(mostly children) simply cannot hear,see, or read. Too crude,vulgar or shocking. We may harm some one or some ones children! Seems l alright on the surface doesn't it?
Now most, if not all of us have come to believe that censorship(if even just a little)is needed at some point. What do we censor?
1. Violence
2. Nudity/Sex
3. Course Language/Mature Subject Matter
Why do we censor these things? Its simple.
they're Nasty.
Nasty Nasty Naughty bad bad things!
But then again...That's not really a valid reason is it. Its just a moral judgment. Why is western society condemned to live and breathe within the confines of a few peoples moral code? I'm not sure either.
I think we could do a lot better by educating people about what they see, hear,or read(children mostly because they are usually the excuse people use to censor)instead of cutting it straight out and blocking it from us.
Now don't get me wrong, I'm all for the rating system. Those little boxes you see on the corner of your teli explaining what age group should be watching and warnings at beginnings of programs and so on. But that should be enough shouldn't it? Not really cause some how our kids(we were all one once,and YOU ALL slipped by the warnings to get a peak)see and hear these things.
If our kids see something that is in those three categories I stated above then you have to have a chat with them about it. Its called parenting.
If you don't like what you see on teli,just change the channel or get a refund for your ticket.
You have the power to do these things, so why don't you do them instead of making the artists compromise their work because you were offended.
Some people have said in the past that violent images in games ,movies,T.V. ext or explicit lyrics in music has drove human beings to certain deviant behavior.
Absolute Total Bollocks.
As much as some events in past history lead us to believe the opposite, humans aren't stupid. Well maybe we are just a bit. But most of us aren't as daft as to see some ones head shatter in pixel form and think"Golly , Now I have to see what that REALLY looks like! Josh! Get my nailgun!".
Violent images and lyrics don't kill. Sociopathic behaviour does among a lot of other real reasons.
Its up to you to tell your kids that violence in lyrics ,T.V. , and video games is not the same as in real life. Everything is different in real life.
The funny thing about violence is that we see a lot more of it than sex or nudity.
that's a bit odd.
The human form is beautiful and shouldn't be hidden. Why should it?
Who is it going to harm?
Our Children? They came out naked! I think if people accepted nudity and didn't censor it there would be a lot less peeping toms around don't you think? Maybe not, but that's my opinion.
Don't get me started on sex......shit...too late.
People have been up tight about sex for a very very long time. So why is it wrong to see it? I'm not sure. Its certainly not harmful to children.
If you are a child below the age of six you would probably be more interested in your Barbie doll or Tonka truck rather than a porn or sex scene you saw. If your child is over that age(or any age even) and asks"what's that?"then educate them as I stated above.
Be a parent and explain it to them the best you can for their age. Just like violence,Sex is also different in real life than on the screen.
Make sure to let them know that.
This leads me to language.
People are up tight about words too , and really what's to be up tight about. They are just words after all. They only sound"bad" because we have been scolded our entire childhood and taught that they were the most evil things you can say.
FUCK! CUNT! BITCH! SLUT! ASS! TITS! MOTHERFUCKER! COCKSUCKER! CREVICE! and JOB! ......to name a few(oh you caught the last two weren't"bad" How very clever of you).
Fallow the whole teaching theme....and DON'T BY GOD just tell them not to say the words for no reason. I cunting hated that when I was a kid.
Tell them that most adults won't like you saying them and that they will get in trouble for it. Also tell them what they mean and where these words came from for a start. Educate them in your own way.
These are just some of the alternate methods of dealing with certain censorable issues rather than just...well...censoring them.
Sit back and just think about it. People were in an uproar about Janet Jacksons Tit. Why? Its a Tit! the nipple itself wasn't even showing but look at what a mess we made of it...Claiming things like"My kid was watching that!" and so on. Did that tit poke your kid and rip out his/her eye thought the screen? Not that I've heard about. Did that fleshy milk propeller kill a bunch of people? I'm not absolutely certain but I don't think so.
It was a Breast. AND PEOPLE FEARED IT!!!
It must have been. Its not like our kids used to suck on them for nourishment or anything right? :P
Don't you think that that ordeal was a bit ridiculous? I certainly do and there are sillier examples than this if you look hard enough.
Lets stop being afraid! Fuck Those Cunt Licking Fuck Holes if they don't like it!
This is only my opinion but its what I feel. Its in our hands if we want it to change.
Hunger calls.
Peace oucide!
Lets sit down and ask ourselves why.
There are apparently some things that some of us(mostly children) simply cannot hear,see, or read. Too crude,vulgar or shocking. We may harm some one or some ones children! Seems l alright on the surface doesn't it?
Now most, if not all of us have come to believe that censorship(if even just a little)is needed at some point. What do we censor?
1. Violence
2. Nudity/Sex
3. Course Language/Mature Subject Matter
Why do we censor these things? Its simple.
they're Nasty.
Nasty Nasty Naughty bad bad things!
But then again...That's not really a valid reason is it. Its just a moral judgment. Why is western society condemned to live and breathe within the confines of a few peoples moral code? I'm not sure either.
I think we could do a lot better by educating people about what they see, hear,or read(children mostly because they are usually the excuse people use to censor)instead of cutting it straight out and blocking it from us.
Now don't get me wrong, I'm all for the rating system. Those little boxes you see on the corner of your teli explaining what age group should be watching and warnings at beginnings of programs and so on. But that should be enough shouldn't it? Not really cause some how our kids(we were all one once,and YOU ALL slipped by the warnings to get a peak)see and hear these things.
If our kids see something that is in those three categories I stated above then you have to have a chat with them about it. Its called parenting.
If you don't like what you see on teli,just change the channel or get a refund for your ticket.
You have the power to do these things, so why don't you do them instead of making the artists compromise their work because you were offended.
Some people have said in the past that violent images in games ,movies,T.V. ext or explicit lyrics in music has drove human beings to certain deviant behavior.
Absolute Total Bollocks.
As much as some events in past history lead us to believe the opposite, humans aren't stupid. Well maybe we are just a bit. But most of us aren't as daft as to see some ones head shatter in pixel form and think"Golly , Now I have to see what that REALLY looks like! Josh! Get my nailgun!".
Violent images and lyrics don't kill. Sociopathic behaviour does among a lot of other real reasons.
Its up to you to tell your kids that violence in lyrics ,T.V. , and video games is not the same as in real life. Everything is different in real life.
The funny thing about violence is that we see a lot more of it than sex or nudity.
that's a bit odd.
The human form is beautiful and shouldn't be hidden. Why should it?
Who is it going to harm?
Our Children? They came out naked! I think if people accepted nudity and didn't censor it there would be a lot less peeping toms around don't you think? Maybe not, but that's my opinion.
Don't get me started on sex......shit...too late.
People have been up tight about sex for a very very long time. So why is it wrong to see it? I'm not sure. Its certainly not harmful to children.
If you are a child below the age of six you would probably be more interested in your Barbie doll or Tonka truck rather than a porn or sex scene you saw. If your child is over that age(or any age even) and asks"what's that?"then educate them as I stated above.
Be a parent and explain it to them the best you can for their age. Just like violence,Sex is also different in real life than on the screen.
Make sure to let them know that.
This leads me to language.
People are up tight about words too , and really what's to be up tight about. They are just words after all. They only sound"bad" because we have been scolded our entire childhood and taught that they were the most evil things you can say.
FUCK! CUNT! BITCH! SLUT! ASS! TITS! MOTHERFUCKER! COCKSUCKER! CREVICE! and JOB! ......to name a few(oh you caught the last two weren't"bad" How very clever of you).
Fallow the whole teaching theme....and DON'T BY GOD just tell them not to say the words for no reason. I cunting hated that when I was a kid.
Tell them that most adults won't like you saying them and that they will get in trouble for it. Also tell them what they mean and where these words came from for a start. Educate them in your own way.
These are just some of the alternate methods of dealing with certain censorable issues rather than just...well...censoring them.
Sit back and just think about it. People were in an uproar about Janet Jacksons Tit. Why? Its a Tit! the nipple itself wasn't even showing but look at what a mess we made of it...Claiming things like"My kid was watching that!" and so on. Did that tit poke your kid and rip out his/her eye thought the screen? Not that I've heard about. Did that fleshy milk propeller kill a bunch of people? I'm not absolutely certain but I don't think so.
It was a Breast. AND PEOPLE FEARED IT!!!
It must have been. Its not like our kids used to suck on them for nourishment or anything right? :P
Don't you think that that ordeal was a bit ridiculous? I certainly do and there are sillier examples than this if you look hard enough.
Lets stop being afraid! Fuck Those Cunt Licking Fuck Holes if they don't like it!
This is only my opinion but its what I feel. Its in our hands if we want it to change.
Hunger calls.
Peace oucide!