Sunday, July 16, 2006

One Bloody Minded Weekend.....

I'd Like to start with a question.


That is exactly, what I would like to know.

The weekend was bloody awful. Oh sure it had its good bits but mostly it was shit. It actually started before the weekend.

So Thursday we turn on the taps. No hot water.


So we realize the pilot light on the hot water tank has gone out. Fine fine. Jovknee being the butch handy man that he is tried to start the pilot light again with no success.

Double Smeg

So we call our land lord blokes and they send over a gas guy. After the gas guy checks this thing out like, he says there is no gas coming in at all, and asked if we have been paying the bill.
Ok the deal is we pay the upstairs tenant 40% of the utilities, but we have only gotten one bill since we moved in.
So we figured the buggers haven't been paying it, as the same day we found a note pasted to their door saying that if ye don't pay rent yer out. It turns out though that there was a switching of landlords taking care of this particular property we live in, and as such, buggered up the contract with the gas company.
That means that when he left he canceled it instead of transferring it.

OK, so the old lords a git.

We call up the new one today, a few cold showers later. Apparently our new land lord isn't in the office during weekends. So if we have an emergency like on a Saturday there isn't even an on call bugger to help us out

Triple Smeg with a side of fuck your mum!

We found that out Thursday.

Friday begins, and it is confirmed that I, Fictional Correspondent, has gotten a pay rise. That cheered me up a bit, and Hi Ho its off to work I go. Then I found out at work, that my grandmothers family pet, Rascal the dag, had to be put down. That dog has been around for a good 12 years. And has been a constant source of amusement, as well as a friend to my grandmother. Now that he is gone, I don't know how long my grandmother will last. She is pretty crushed.

Quad , Bugger Your Uncle Smeg

Riding the bus home from work, I'm standing and can't wait to get home, when this balding bloke is a red shirt with horizontal blue stripes goes to get off the bus. I saw the detail as there was no where to sit, so I was standing right near the back doors. The man before he gets off, rams his elbow into my chest.

The bastard hit me, and with out looking just gets off the bus.

Now, I'm not even bruised or anything so you all don't even have to put on an act that you give a good god damn.

I'm ok, but still, he meant it, and Lord knows why.

It's hard being a gentleman in a world where people hit you randomly.


I did that evening get to run a game Idea with Jovknee and Depaxus. It went well and fun was had by all.

Saturday was alright as well, as I got to play a comic relief character in D&D. A Pixie named(Thank You Rimmy)


An Equasion. Invisible hero + Rapier + Flight + Back Stab = Confused, then dead ugly things.

Subtract one Smeg leaving a 4 coarse Smeg Rockabilly Scag Square Dance

The cold showers it seems though have taken its toll, as I believe I'm getting ill. Either that or I'm a pansy face.

Either way I'm not feeling too good when I wake up and everything hurts. I do however have payed sick days now...yehaw.

If I get ill, I'm going to walk into my landlords and stay all day, and wretch on absolutely everything. I will fill the office with filth.

I will cast Prismatic Yawn, and it will be glorious.

It isn't the worst weekend I've had but its definitely up there, even though mine pales in comparison to some, it was still bloody shit cakes. Last night when I went to bed, it all sort of hit me, I was sad that me grandmothers dog died , and I was furious at my attacker at the same time. I wanted bloody revenge, I wanted to shoot people. For once I knew how it felt to be a postal worker on Speed.
All I wanted to do was sleep but couldn't.

But as always, I'll be the better man and take it all in stride. A Few family members and friends have been ground down from society's cruelty, well I'm not going to.

Smeg them!

I'm going to have a good life, ......I'm gona be just like you. The Job, the Career, The fucking big television, the washing machine, the car, the compact disc player and electrical tin opener! Good Health, Low cholesterol and Dental insurance. DIY and wondering who the fuck you are on a Sunday morning. Fancy shirts, black hats and Kilts, and a god movie rip off!

5 For 5, Smegarific!

Lots of stress relief there.

Monday, July 10, 2006

I feel Sundered

Its been one of those months. Not all bad, not all good, but definitely something tiring about it. At least I can sort of see a way out from where I'm standing.

Hey all. Things have been busy, or not...I'm not sure really, but I know I've done some stuff that's for sure.

My internet radio station is up to over 150 hours with out repeating a song, and more to come as it were.

If you wish to take a listen go to In the search window, type either, Nightmares, Whispers and Screams or just simply Nightmares. Sometimes the search option is a bit odd and it says it doesn't find thing that are actually there. Anyhow, when you find it you can bookmark it in winamp and never have to worry about it again. Assuming you dig it.

Work has been exhausting. We used to have 3 IBM buildings and one IBM warehouse, now one of the buildings is shutting down and they are all moving to mine, which means more of a work load for me. Today for instance I didn't even get a chance to eat until I was almost done my shift. Apparently I should be getting a raise though, not to sure what the amount is, or when it is taking effect but it should help.

My sleep for the past 2 months has been off lately and with things going on emotionally and adjusting to the moving changes, it's hell sometimes. I try to create and write, play music, or anything like that and it always looks as if it's not really worth it, or it just plain sucks. Again the fortunate side of things is that I know that will change, the question is when.

It better happen soon because I'm getting more and more agitated with people. I know sometimes this is a good thing, because life is too short to put up with people shit head issues, but I have always been a diplomat socially. And I don't believe I have every truly lost my temper. People are starting to really annoy me and get to me. I just wish I knew if this is a little healthy intolerance or whether I'm just stressed. I wish I knew.

And yes, there is a such thing as healthy intolerance, see the bit above about putting up with people shit...

I did however contact the Radio station here in Calgary CJSW. I'm going to get my own show and try and find band contacts. I certainly have to do something, because the urge to just fall into a deep deep coma and wake up when its all better, is very tempting.

I am sorry, This is rather depressing I know.

It is however, one of those lifetimes.

But I want to say thank you to those who have been there for me. I'm lucky to have good friends.
Being a good friend isn't easy, as life can be a bitch, so I do appreciate it, as I will always be there for all of you when I can, and those who haven't been so close, I understand, and if I don't I try. Just don't forget about me.

er...This is getting mushier than mashed potatoes in a wet paper bag that has been thrown into something very mushy.

A Bright Side.

A world I have created for a game has spawned some characters in my head. I might just write about them. You fine readers will have your chance to read it here.

I saw Pirates of The Caribbean, the second one. Bloody Brilliant movie. If you liked the first one, and like those kinds of movies and aren't a total wanker, you will see it.

I'm off I think, but before I go, I have to show you all something.

I don't like Ska, but I do like 7 Seconds of Love.

I like the BAND....7 seconds of Love. 7 Seconds is way too short for love in my opinion,and there are those that know this about me and will agree.

It is a brilliant song called, Submarine.

Enjoy, and Thanks again...

....You fookin bastards!!!