110 Bitches!!
It's happened. My radio station has hit 110 hours of music with out repeating a song.
You can hear these great tunes by going to the shoutcast website.
After which you search for "Nightmares, Whispers, and Screams"
that's me. Gothic, Industrial, Darkwave, weirdness, and humor, amongst other things aswell.
Enough wanking.
Nothing much going on really. I'm glad its getting fucking cold finally though.
That means no more muggy humid weather. Instead we get lots and lots of snow and muggy wet coldness. I don't mind that, cause I can escape from it, under covers and such.
It's almost been a month since my last post and I don't even know what to write about. I have been looking to expand my education options as the broadcasting coarse is almost impossible to get into. Volunteering is difficult because it's hard to get a hold of those bastards. Perhaps I should persue creative writing, it can't hurt after all.
I have though been trying to write a game setting for White Wolf. It is meant to be a mixed venue rather than just focus on Vampires orWerewolves or Mages exclusively. I've put them in a group setting. I have a rough draft of it...And let me emphasize "Rough Draft". Here goes. Let me know what you think....Or not...
Sundered World
Sundered World is an alternate setting for the World of Darkness system. The setting in the World of Darkness Rulebook is pretty much unaltered, as is the Theme and Mood. The Mythos is a bit different though as it includes Vampires, Werewolves, and Mages in one collective story rather than three separate ones. Instead of each creature seeming to origin from separate roots, Sundered World puts them all in the same boat together.
The story revolves around Christian and Catholic dogma with a few twists.
God has abandoned his creations and they are rotting. The Second Babylon is here. When the battle for Heaven ended, and God cast Lucifer and his Rebel Angels down upon the Earth, .....He left. The "Why" is unknown. Perhaps out of disgust, perhaps out of sadness for having to cast down what was at one time His most precious of all Angels. Even those who have reason to suspect this fact can't fathom the why, the point is, ....He is Gone.
The world has been falling apart over the last few thousand years since.
Over this time period people are beginning to lose their faith in anything spiritual. They indulge in the many pleasures our modern world has to offer and simply forget their problems.....if they have the resources to do so. Those not so fortunate are homeless on the street with no other paths to turn to except for gangs, prostitution, organized crime, drug dealing, or starvation and death.
The cast down Lucifer is nowhere to be found, but his get are definitely a profound presence. Those powerful enough to slip through the cracks of Hells thick walls can take hold and control people for a time. Some can even possess them. When mortals are weak and broken, they are welcome vessels for these demons. Demons do the work of their Rebel Angel Masters through such means, as the Masters themselves are too powerful to take a human host with out killing them soon after.
Avatars of Dagon
There is a faction of mortals that knows of this threat, doing what they can for their fellow person. In return they receive the name of lunatic and heretic (Most have earned that name as of late) from their peers whom they would save. They are the Avatars of Dagon. A secret society of warriors, devout to the cloth and the banishing of these demons from the world. They have had some success in the past but more and more of their efforts are thwarted as the corruption of the Second Babylon touches them and pain, despair, and sin consume the heart.
Not only that, but there are other forces in the world at work that regularly distract or consume them. These factors have twisted a once noble organization into a broken set of factions. Some are fundamentalists who wish the destruction of all things supernatural. Some are investigators who study the occult and wish to understand these creatures.
There are those that have stuck to hunting down demons exclusively but they are few and far between. Fear of the unknown and loss has made most of them part of the fundamentalist variety.
The Others
There are other things in the world other than demons. Things that have a divine purpose. There are three distinct types of creatures that walk among the mortals unseen, The Chosen Damned(Vampires), The Guardians of the Gates(Werewolves) and the Children of the Nephilim(Mages).
The Chosen Damned--Vampires
It is said in ancient legend long forgotten that when Babylon fell, foul creatures crawled out of the rubble after sunset. These creatures carried the twisted likeness of mortals. They spread to the far reaches of the Earth and centered themselves in every civilization. There they preyed on humans for their blood and rooted themselves as the silent movers and shakers of mortal affairs. The Chosen Damned.
The legend says the Curse of Babel created them. A predator to humans. A silent reminder of what their fool hardiness unleashed. They are the Wolves in the human flock, but they are also their dark Sheppard’s. Their Divine purpose, so it says, is to make sure humans do not over step their bounds again and ensure slow growth with wisdom and faith. From then on they have been the monsters in the dark weeding out the weak and the sinful, while making the one's that would have faith stronger as they see the weak devoured by "sin".
The Second Babylon though has had an effect on them. Like other predators when their food source is plentiful they get lazy and their form suffers. The Cursed are no exception. It seems society for them is crumbling as well. They seem to become infatuated and distracted by the wonders of the modern age as much as their mortal prey do and since they are creatures built to feed on sin, it is much harder to pry them away from it.
The Guardians of the Gates--Werewolves
The same legends tell of a creature much older than The Cursed. God did not create the Earth; he found it and built on its foundation. When he found it though, it was already inhabited by other spirits and gods. God made a deal with these other beings to share the Earth. So was the birth of the separation between physical and the spiritual. Two worlds layered on top of one another reflecting each other yet different in shape and form. The deal went something like this. God was given the physical realm on which He could create what He wanted while all the other spirits and gods inherited the Spiritual Realm. After the exile of Adam and Eve, God and the spirits had another meeting. Some of the spirits were being crafty, staying too long in the physical and wreaking havoc on the human cities. Some crafty humans were venturing to deep places in the spirit realm seeking power that was not theirs. So God and the spirits collaborated once again and created a creature that would be neither human nor spirit. They would be a creature composed of both. They would be a creature of both realms and as such would patrol them and make sure none on either side would make mischief.
They are the Guardians of the Gates.
The Guardians are strong warrior shape shifters capable of stopping some of the toughest spirits and humans who crossed to forbidden places. The form of the wolf was suggested by the spirits, and God agreed it was a good form, a noble hunter. The spirits also gifted them with some of their abilities and offer themselves as guides to help in their hunts and their lives.
After the War in Heaven things were not the same for the Guardians. When God cast the Rebel Angels into the spirit world He made the Gates thick so they could not escape. This made things difficult for the Guardians and their spirit brethren. The Guardians could only cross in certain sacred places instead of where ever they wanted. The Spirits and gods had to fight for every spec if territory in their realm as the Rebel Angels claimed it for themselves. It was a long battle. The Spirits and gods were powerful, but not as powerful as Lucifer and his brood. The Guardians could not get to their spirit brothers in time and they were defeated. Soon after, the Spirit realm slowly became what it is today.
Since that time the Guardians have tried to protect the sacred places and have sworn to hunt down the Rebel Angels and their get whenever they can. The spirits and gods hide in small glades in dark corners of the realm where the demons cannot find them. The coming of the Second Babylon has been hard for the Guardians as they hear less and less from their cousins in the ephemeral world, and they are wracked from battling the demon hordes.
A feeling that they don't belong nags at them as they do not feel comfortable in the cities, and the calm of the wilderness brings loneliness,
so they hunt and live one day at a time, but that won't be enough forever.
The Children of the Nephilim—Mages
One of the first sins of the Rebel Angels was the Nephilim. They are what is made when an Angel and a mortal conceive. The result is a child horribly deformed and unnatural. These Nephilim were hunted and destroyed by God, or so it was believed. Some ran to the far corners of the Earth, and there they survived until “natural” causes eventually took them. For some this was a very long time, much longer than normal human life span. In that time they also mated with the mortals and had children of their own. Nephilim and human offspring were in no way deformed and those children lived and died as humans did, and so the Nephilim were eventually forgotten.
Forgotten until two thousand years ago when a man named Jesus Christ was born. He was the first to awaken as a true Child of the Nephilim. Since Jesus was the first to Awaken, he saw many truth’s. He knew his power, the power to weave the very tapestry of reality, and he knew where his power came from. The very realm where God himself dwelled. It seems that through the Nephilim, Gods ability to weave reality found its way into the human races gene pool. It was always there but dormant until the time of Christ.
He used his power to perform his miracles and to spread the word of his “Father”. People became afraid of him, and thus bred the coming of the crucifixion. The fear all men have that lead to this event would effect all Children of the Nephilim from then on. Human banality has left a rift between the realm of God and our world. Even though three days after the crucifixion Jesus rose and Ascended, the damage was already done. If miracles of the Children are seen by mortal eyes or heard by mortal ears, their act will backfire on them. These back firing anomalies can take many forms but none are good, as reality responds violently to the non subtle re weaving of its tapestry.
These Children are few and far between in the time of the Second Babylon.
Their existence is further hampered by the world’s lack of faith. What’s worse, Demons try to manipulate them into freeing them from their hell.
If it wasn’t for some of the wiser ones finding evidence of The Prophecy, hope might be lost for all of them in this dire time.
The Prophecy
When Jesus Ascended it is said that he left many signs and omens to be found. Some of these were guidance, others were warnings. A warning has been found and its word has been spreading silently among those who would know the truth(who are few and far between). This warning has become known as The Prophecy.
The Prophecy tells of great plagues that will happen soon after the beginning of the Second Babylon and that these plagues can only be stopped by cooperation of the divine ones. Only by working together can these plagues be held at bay.
You can hear these great tunes by going to the shoutcast website.
After which you search for "Nightmares, Whispers, and Screams"
that's me. Gothic, Industrial, Darkwave, weirdness, and humor, amongst other things aswell.
Enough wanking.
Nothing much going on really. I'm glad its getting fucking cold finally though.
That means no more muggy humid weather. Instead we get lots and lots of snow and muggy wet coldness. I don't mind that, cause I can escape from it, under covers and such.
It's almost been a month since my last post and I don't even know what to write about. I have been looking to expand my education options as the broadcasting coarse is almost impossible to get into. Volunteering is difficult because it's hard to get a hold of those bastards. Perhaps I should persue creative writing, it can't hurt after all.
I have though been trying to write a game setting for White Wolf. It is meant to be a mixed venue rather than just focus on Vampires orWerewolves or Mages exclusively. I've put them in a group setting. I have a rough draft of it...And let me emphasize "Rough Draft". Here goes. Let me know what you think....Or not...
Sundered World
Sundered World is an alternate setting for the World of Darkness system. The setting in the World of Darkness Rulebook is pretty much unaltered, as is the Theme and Mood. The Mythos is a bit different though as it includes Vampires, Werewolves, and Mages in one collective story rather than three separate ones. Instead of each creature seeming to origin from separate roots, Sundered World puts them all in the same boat together.
The story revolves around Christian and Catholic dogma with a few twists.
God has abandoned his creations and they are rotting. The Second Babylon is here. When the battle for Heaven ended, and God cast Lucifer and his Rebel Angels down upon the Earth, .....He left. The "Why" is unknown. Perhaps out of disgust, perhaps out of sadness for having to cast down what was at one time His most precious of all Angels. Even those who have reason to suspect this fact can't fathom the why, the point is, ....He is Gone.
The world has been falling apart over the last few thousand years since.
Over this time period people are beginning to lose their faith in anything spiritual. They indulge in the many pleasures our modern world has to offer and simply forget their problems.....if they have the resources to do so. Those not so fortunate are homeless on the street with no other paths to turn to except for gangs, prostitution, organized crime, drug dealing, or starvation and death.
The cast down Lucifer is nowhere to be found, but his get are definitely a profound presence. Those powerful enough to slip through the cracks of Hells thick walls can take hold and control people for a time. Some can even possess them. When mortals are weak and broken, they are welcome vessels for these demons. Demons do the work of their Rebel Angel Masters through such means, as the Masters themselves are too powerful to take a human host with out killing them soon after.
Avatars of Dagon
There is a faction of mortals that knows of this threat, doing what they can for their fellow person. In return they receive the name of lunatic and heretic (Most have earned that name as of late) from their peers whom they would save. They are the Avatars of Dagon. A secret society of warriors, devout to the cloth and the banishing of these demons from the world. They have had some success in the past but more and more of their efforts are thwarted as the corruption of the Second Babylon touches them and pain, despair, and sin consume the heart.
Not only that, but there are other forces in the world at work that regularly distract or consume them. These factors have twisted a once noble organization into a broken set of factions. Some are fundamentalists who wish the destruction of all things supernatural. Some are investigators who study the occult and wish to understand these creatures.
There are those that have stuck to hunting down demons exclusively but they are few and far between. Fear of the unknown and loss has made most of them part of the fundamentalist variety.
The Others
There are other things in the world other than demons. Things that have a divine purpose. There are three distinct types of creatures that walk among the mortals unseen, The Chosen Damned(Vampires), The Guardians of the Gates(Werewolves) and the Children of the Nephilim(Mages).
The Chosen Damned--Vampires
It is said in ancient legend long forgotten that when Babylon fell, foul creatures crawled out of the rubble after sunset. These creatures carried the twisted likeness of mortals. They spread to the far reaches of the Earth and centered themselves in every civilization. There they preyed on humans for their blood and rooted themselves as the silent movers and shakers of mortal affairs. The Chosen Damned.
The legend says the Curse of Babel created them. A predator to humans. A silent reminder of what their fool hardiness unleashed. They are the Wolves in the human flock, but they are also their dark Sheppard’s. Their Divine purpose, so it says, is to make sure humans do not over step their bounds again and ensure slow growth with wisdom and faith. From then on they have been the monsters in the dark weeding out the weak and the sinful, while making the one's that would have faith stronger as they see the weak devoured by "sin".
The Second Babylon though has had an effect on them. Like other predators when their food source is plentiful they get lazy and their form suffers. The Cursed are no exception. It seems society for them is crumbling as well. They seem to become infatuated and distracted by the wonders of the modern age as much as their mortal prey do and since they are creatures built to feed on sin, it is much harder to pry them away from it.
The Guardians of the Gates--Werewolves
The same legends tell of a creature much older than The Cursed. God did not create the Earth; he found it and built on its foundation. When he found it though, it was already inhabited by other spirits and gods. God made a deal with these other beings to share the Earth. So was the birth of the separation between physical and the spiritual. Two worlds layered on top of one another reflecting each other yet different in shape and form. The deal went something like this. God was given the physical realm on which He could create what He wanted while all the other spirits and gods inherited the Spiritual Realm. After the exile of Adam and Eve, God and the spirits had another meeting. Some of the spirits were being crafty, staying too long in the physical and wreaking havoc on the human cities. Some crafty humans were venturing to deep places in the spirit realm seeking power that was not theirs. So God and the spirits collaborated once again and created a creature that would be neither human nor spirit. They would be a creature composed of both. They would be a creature of both realms and as such would patrol them and make sure none on either side would make mischief.
They are the Guardians of the Gates.
The Guardians are strong warrior shape shifters capable of stopping some of the toughest spirits and humans who crossed to forbidden places. The form of the wolf was suggested by the spirits, and God agreed it was a good form, a noble hunter. The spirits also gifted them with some of their abilities and offer themselves as guides to help in their hunts and their lives.
After the War in Heaven things were not the same for the Guardians. When God cast the Rebel Angels into the spirit world He made the Gates thick so they could not escape. This made things difficult for the Guardians and their spirit brethren. The Guardians could only cross in certain sacred places instead of where ever they wanted. The Spirits and gods had to fight for every spec if territory in their realm as the Rebel Angels claimed it for themselves. It was a long battle. The Spirits and gods were powerful, but not as powerful as Lucifer and his brood. The Guardians could not get to their spirit brothers in time and they were defeated. Soon after, the Spirit realm slowly became what it is today.
Since that time the Guardians have tried to protect the sacred places and have sworn to hunt down the Rebel Angels and their get whenever they can. The spirits and gods hide in small glades in dark corners of the realm where the demons cannot find them. The coming of the Second Babylon has been hard for the Guardians as they hear less and less from their cousins in the ephemeral world, and they are wracked from battling the demon hordes.
A feeling that they don't belong nags at them as they do not feel comfortable in the cities, and the calm of the wilderness brings loneliness,
so they hunt and live one day at a time, but that won't be enough forever.
The Children of the Nephilim—Mages
One of the first sins of the Rebel Angels was the Nephilim. They are what is made when an Angel and a mortal conceive. The result is a child horribly deformed and unnatural. These Nephilim were hunted and destroyed by God, or so it was believed. Some ran to the far corners of the Earth, and there they survived until “natural” causes eventually took them. For some this was a very long time, much longer than normal human life span. In that time they also mated with the mortals and had children of their own. Nephilim and human offspring were in no way deformed and those children lived and died as humans did, and so the Nephilim were eventually forgotten.
Forgotten until two thousand years ago when a man named Jesus Christ was born. He was the first to awaken as a true Child of the Nephilim. Since Jesus was the first to Awaken, he saw many truth’s. He knew his power, the power to weave the very tapestry of reality, and he knew where his power came from. The very realm where God himself dwelled. It seems that through the Nephilim, Gods ability to weave reality found its way into the human races gene pool. It was always there but dormant until the time of Christ.
He used his power to perform his miracles and to spread the word of his “Father”. People became afraid of him, and thus bred the coming of the crucifixion. The fear all men have that lead to this event would effect all Children of the Nephilim from then on. Human banality has left a rift between the realm of God and our world. Even though three days after the crucifixion Jesus rose and Ascended, the damage was already done. If miracles of the Children are seen by mortal eyes or heard by mortal ears, their act will backfire on them. These back firing anomalies can take many forms but none are good, as reality responds violently to the non subtle re weaving of its tapestry.
These Children are few and far between in the time of the Second Babylon.
Their existence is further hampered by the world’s lack of faith. What’s worse, Demons try to manipulate them into freeing them from their hell.
If it wasn’t for some of the wiser ones finding evidence of The Prophecy, hope might be lost for all of them in this dire time.
The Prophecy
When Jesus Ascended it is said that he left many signs and omens to be found. Some of these were guidance, others were warnings. A warning has been found and its word has been spreading silently among those who would know the truth(who are few and far between). This warning has become known as The Prophecy.
The Prophecy tells of great plagues that will happen soon after the beginning of the Second Babylon and that these plagues can only be stopped by cooperation of the divine ones. Only by working together can these plagues be held at bay.