Friday, August 04, 2006

This Magic Moment......So different and So New...

A magic moment indeed. I had one of these recently.

Its half an hour before my alarm goes off and I have woken up. Why? To take a piss, great.

I'm thinking..Why couldn't my bladder wait half hour to wake me?..

So I get up and let out a ripping morning piss, and go back to bed.

that's when they hit you...The magic moments..

You know the ones, you're in the most beautifully comfortable position imaginable and you know that in 25 minutes time you have to leave it.

This never happens when you have a few hours to sleep yet..Oh no!

The blankets are all in the right place, the lighting's perfect, you face is in the exact place in the pillow where it feels the best..And your head is ready to enter blissful coma.

Life throws things like this at you all the time, Lord knows why and when I find him I plan on giving him a very stern interrogation.

I can only assume it means 'Appreciate what you got fuck wit! It don't last!'


Apparently someone likes to tell me I'm a right sad sod. My previous blog had a rather interesting comment saying something to that effect. Click on this word to view it.

Sometimes I love people so much. Oh Well, Bad press is still press after all and since I know I'm a fantastic Motherfucker, it doesn't really mean anything. Still...I don't even know why you would bother saying anything if you're not going to leave a name.

Who cares.

It looks like I'm off to Kelowna for the weekend. A good thing as since a lot of family pets have died in the last month. I am missed also, and it will be good to go home for a while.

I'm still feeling kinda shitty though, and yes I am sorry for all the negative whiney stuff but hey....It's my blog and I really do feel like crap sometimes, as does everyone.

Been watching the new series of Dr. Who and dear lord is it brilliant!
If you ever get a chance to view the 2005, 06 series then please do it, even if you aren't a fan. Lots of great themes, Ideas and effects. Plus you get to see Daleks. Who doesn't like Daleks?!

V for Vendetta was also a good film, I suggest everyone check that out as well.

I'm annoying the fuck out of the upstairs neighbors by howling out to loud music. It's fun. They like to turn up their rappy bass really high so I can hear it, so that's considerate of them. I think I'm getting much better. I respect singers now more than I used to. Keeping in tune isn't hard for me, nor is projecting, its lasting for an hour and a half concert that is difficult for me, but if I plan on being a good performer, that is what I'll have to do. I'll be going up to CJSW for my first training session on the 12th. Hopefully i'll get my own show soon and get some band connections up there.

We still have no hot water after 3 weeks. Bloody long battle to get this gas up and running. Especially when the blame is passed around like a hot potato and we are left freezing. I've gotten used to it though, having a dimensional door open to the elemental plane of cold in our shower stall, but that isn't the point. I think we may be able to get out of our lease for this, which would be good if finding places to live wasn't such a pain in the arse.

The Sundered World Game is going fairly well. I'm getting some kick ass Ideas. Now if only we can get a day set, then that would be kick ass. An actually story is almost jumping out of me from it. It's just putting the pieces together that seems difficult right now, perhaps I'm distracted.

What else.....

Not much, perhaps if something else strikes me I'll blog while in Kelonwa.

So I'll sign off for now.

Later peoples..


Blogger Rimmy said...

Ack laddie, ye've got chur 'ot water back now, ain't ye?

And you're doing what I did - going through the Doctor Who episodes like a glutton through a box of cookies... because they're gone fast and there's still nearly five months before we get another. :(

Sorry I couldn't meet up with you and Rico Suave in K-town, you know the deal. At least you got to see the people you wanted to, lucky bastard. Soon...

10:32 AM  

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