Thursday, April 13, 2006

"Bah Bah Ack Sheep, Have You Any Bling?!" "Yes Sir Yes Sir CHA CHA CHING!!!"

Two weeks I've been at work now, and I know almost everything there is to know about the job. The stuff I don't know is common sense to learn, and I have that believe it or not.

Nothing really exciting happening though, even though I always say this and then all of a sudden remember that there was one or two things a bit exciting...uh oh............There it goes......

It was Runs With Scissors parents 25th anniversary yesterday, and I was invited along to a pub with her and her parents. Her grandparents were there, so I got to meet them. RWS dad was half in the bag, and amusing as hell, and he as well as the rest of the family wanted to watch me play darts, which in short means "We know you're a visual gimp, so we're going to point and laugh while we watch you attempt to throw sharp things"

Bless em the crazy scamps.

It's nice to know you're liked by people with a twisted sense of humor, and I didn't do too badly either considering I was playing with drunk people.

on another note, I have decided that drivers for Apple courier are one wave short of a ship wreck. A conversation I had this very morning.....

I am sitting at my computer, and I hear the driver come in through the pick up door. I noticed he is picking up a box I prepared to ship, so I continue on with the fuck all I was working on at the time.

Then I hear it.


I turn around...

"man....That's not the clicky end of the pen hehehehehehehehehe...." He said.

"I guess not" I reply and go over to collect the waybill.

"Maaan, have you ever done that with a fountain pen?" he asks.

"I can't say that I have" I replied

"Man one time I stabbed myself with one of those, and the ink went in like something out of a needle man, I had a blue spot on my hand for like 2 months after"

"That can't be good for your health" I said to him

He giggles his mad hippy giggle and says'

"those things are just like those roller ball pens, man I had one of those things in my pocket one day, and it leaked and by the end of the day my leg was all fuck...." His radio went off and he straightened up. He talked some mad jargon to another on the other end of the radio, who talked some mad jargon back. Then he continued.

" Anyway at the end of the day my leg was just all fucken blue man!"

He giggled his Dr. Hook giggle and took his box and left.

I know the story isn't that amusing but, it made my morning.

the people I work with aren't a bad bunch at all.

There is the Mail Lady, who taught me pretty much everything I know, and she is pleasant to be around.

There is Printer Fixer who sits beside me, he is a big help too. He has a girlfriend that called him here ALL THE TIME. I don't know what she does, but it can't be more than getting on Printer Fixers nerves.
More stories about him and the half conversations I hear with his G/F later.

And then there is UCOG, standing for Ultimate Canadian Old Guy.

He's a very very nice man who works with Mail Lady in the afternoons. He is short and skinny with eyes that bulge a bit, and his voice is a bit high pitched. He says "eh" at the end of almost everything he says.

If you have seen the movie FARGO, he talks exactly like the guys in that film. He's amusing. Kinda reminds me of Gomer Pile a bit....

Oh another note.


I know you're there since you got time to change your clever tag line, but NOT talk to me!

That's enough for me for now......



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