Wednesday, March 29, 2006

"What is a 3 letter word for mans best friend?" "uum, Tit?" "Nope I already tried that one, it doesn't fit with the rest..."

Welly Welly Welly Welly Well.

What is new?

Well lets start with today.

I have a job now starting Monday. I am a shipper/receiver at IBM. I wonder how many electro static bags I'll see, not to mention the electro static bag ladies!
It's a good job, cause it's something I've done before, at the hours I want, and it's right down town where it's easy for me to get to, so no complaints here. It is a good start.

Living with Jovknee is working out fairly well. He has been a good sport with driving me to hard to get places where my interviews are and what not. He's a good man, but his cat is pissing on everything and it doesn't seem like it is getting any better. I close my door all the time so my stuff is safe for now.
I have started a Vampire The Requiem game with my local friends here and they seem to be enjoying it. That's a good thing I guess. I don't know if I am going to game as often as I used to just for the simple fact that I have some other things on my plate.
I'm trying to get more of the Jacko story out, but it seems I've been jammed up for quite some time. I am sure though that something will reveal itself.

erm....Truth be told I have a lot more of that story written out, but it is more shite than the bit I posted :P

I am up to almost 145 hours on my internet station without repeating a song, I'm also getting a lot more listeners as well, and that kicks a sack of highly toned ass.

You can get to my station by clicking on THIS!!! And following the instructions if you are so interested.

I'm sorry guys, I'm not sure I have all that much to rant about right now but hopefully soon with the work starting and all, I'll have some things to chat about, although I don't think they will be as exciting as my friend Rimmy's escapades at his work place, we will soon find out.

But I will say this before I go...



Blogger Rimmy said...

Bah. Becoming a productive member of society is much less fun than using your reproductive member on society.

But I guess cash and something to do is okay too.

Congrats, and please do whine about everything that happens at work. I've forgotten how to do anything BUT. :P

10:11 AM  

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