Sunday, December 18, 2005

Power the World......WITH KITTENS!

I got into Kelowna B.C. about 2 days ago now.

The trip didn't seem as long as I remember....But it was long I assure you. I don't want to complain though, cause I'm here and I've know people that have made way longer trips.
So I get home and my mom has this kitten, about 6 months old called Midnight.

This cat is the ultimate in kitty sweetness. I'm telling you! This cat could give diabetes to a hummingbird it's so sweet. Super super cuddly, and entertaining as hell to play with, so entertaining in fact, that she gave me an Idea.

You could just sack all nuclear power now and set up kitten generators.

Because, this kitten along with many of her brethren, has soooo much energy it isn't even funny, except that it is, especially when you get out the laser pointer.

Wind and kittens man, the renewable sources of power for the future!

Just get a bunch of people to play with kittens all day and I kid you not, by the end of an hour you'll have enough moxy to power a house for a week. Also if they find a way to harness cuteness as a power source, damn then we're all set!

Well that's about all I have for you this morning, except this...

You know what's funnier than seeing an East Indian with an Afro?

You'll have to tell me because to date, I haven't been able to find anything.


Blogger Rimmy said...

I like the idea of biomass being the source of power.

Like when the lights are getting a bit dim, you just chuck another squirrel into the burner and enjoy your book.

Funnier than seeing an Indian with an afro is seeing a guy in a blue felt coat with Cloud Strife hair (black though, not blond, but *exactly* the right hair) standing waiting for a bus at 0200 and spitting through his teeth like a metronome every three seconds.

Pfft! twothreefour Pfft! two three four Pfft!

10:59 AM  

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