Thursday, December 15, 2005

I Caved.....

Ok so, here IS another one, but it's from someone cool, so it's ok

Pick ONE from each pair that you think describes me the best & leave it in the comments. Then copy this and post it in your own journal to see how your friends view you.

* dominant or submissive*
logical or intuitive*
social or loner*
kinky or vanilla*
cute or sophisticated*
kitten or puppy*
warm flannel sheets or sleek satin*
leader or follower*
quiet or talkative*
spontaneous or planned*
teddy bear or porcelain doll*
hiking or window shopping*
tequila or vodka*
top or bottom*
barefoot or shoes*
jeans or slacks*
tender or rough*
aware or dreamy*
nerd or geek


Blogger Rimmy said...

Well sir, I make you out as

Dominant - you need not bend
Intuitive - you get there in a manner I can't always follow
Social - you're in *interactive* groups
Kinky - I don't know what it is, but it's throbbing!
Sophisticated - with a depth and breadth that encompasses a LOT
Kitten - no Marmaduke for you
Warm Flannel Sheets - satin sheets are for the TABLE!
Leader - Who's the DM? Who's the storyteller?
Talkative - you've always got something to contribute
Spontaneous - combustion? No no, I mean you can improvise on a dime
Teddy bear - patched and scruffy, and maybe with a little bit of dirt. The doll would be locked in a case, and that ain't you
Hiking - because when you go, you have a destination in mind. You can enjoy the sights on the way, but window shopping is just wandering aimlessly
Tequila - Vodka is for the hour of the wolf, but tequila is for friends. You've got friends
Bottom - that's why on Arrakis you'd be called "Usul"
Shoes - freaky ones, with metal and spikes
Jeans - ah jeans, the most important component of anybody I'd want to hang with
Aware - YOU know what's going on, citizen!
Geek - you game with us, you've lanned with us... got to be geek

12:26 PM  
Blogger Fictional Correspondant said...


I don't think Chad knows me as much as he thinks he does lol but the effort is appreciated defenetly, Thanx :D

er...Thanx Greg...that is very cool. I feel all fuzy.

1:23 AM  
Blogger Fictional Correspondant said...

Hey man, I appreciate the effort no matter what, and lets be fair, it HAS been a long time since we have lived or spent some good time together. I'm glad that is going to change in a few days.

9:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sleek satin*
porcelain doll*
window shopping*
jeans *

8:18 PM  

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