Wednesday, May 03, 2006

"Hey guys! Is this your Frisbee?" " Is it orange?" " No it's blue" "Yep that's ours.."

We were in the park one evening this week, RWS and I, and along with some hippy companions, we met these girls that were either High, stupid, or both, and that's the conversation we had with them.

Funny shit.

These girls also asked us if we had cronic to which we said no. This would have been fine except for the fact they asked us 4 more times after that.

Anyhoo, here is an update.

Work has been so so, but a few new things have happened I suppose. Chotch-O-Matic is gone......Long live Chotch-O-Matic.
But we did get a new mail girl in.

She will be thus named, The Gypsy. Here is why.

She is from Bulgaria, she is dark, fairly cute, and has this kick ass accent.
This combined with her soft spoken and quiet demeanor thus far leads me to believe she is a threat somehow. She smiles at me a lot, and that puts me on edge too. Although what the hell do I know, she's only been here 3 days. I may be over reacting. But I don't trust those Gypsy types, especially when they're charming. ;)

I had an interesting encounter with a Driver today, goes something like this.

Driver = "what's Your name?"

Me = "It's Fictional Correspondent"

The driver starts laughing a deep and insanity touched laugh, then stops and with a straight face says.

"Are You Serious?"

(Note I didn't actually say Fictional Correspondent, I said my real name, which is much less interesting, I figure I should explain this for my slow geared readers)

Me = "Yes Has been that way for Damn Near 28 years, Why am I in some sort of trouble?"

Him = "Not Today"

Me = "Oh......Alright then,,,"

It turns out that he just didn't know me and I wasn't in his database, therefore he did a little freak out when he didn't know who I was. No Biggie. This guy was pretty funny.

The other day I got a Driver describe to me a delivery he made and while he was on it he saw this guy on rollerblades carrying groceries. According to the driver this guy wasn't too graceful and this driver explained how he was backing his van out of a driveway and watching this guy coming straight for him. He wasn't going very fast but as soon as his van was out enough to block the sidewalk, he saw El Rollerblader panic and at about 2 miles an hour ran into the van.

This story is much more amusing when the driver tells it, as he is running around acting it out as it happens. Picture a Hippy in his 50's, thin, looks like what Dr. Hook sounds like,acting out a clumsy roller bladder hitting the side of a van at the speed of slow and then laughing about it. It's pretty god damn funny.

Well that's my week so far and I'll sign off with some Iggy Pop Lyrics.

"Well I'm gona keep on walkin
In the Modern World
Which justifies every egotistical perversion
With Scientific Talk
And New ways to walk

So for now I'll say So Long...

I gota Go do Wrong......"


Blogger Rimmy said...

You should have whipped out some fibreglass insulation and asked those poseurs: "Do you guys want some cotton candy?"

1:56 PM  

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