Sunday, August 14, 2005

Something To Think About

Aside from some family issues(I believe I've made my point) I would like to talk about something else.

Life is pretty good I would say, But there are signs that society is going to hell in a GAP hand bag if you are clever enough(or paranoid enough, whatever pops your wheelie) to see them.
I'm only going to be talking about one of those things today.

Bottled Water.

Yes I said it, Bottled water.

You see it everywhere, its in stores, people walking down the street or riding their bikes have it on them, these bottles of brand named water.

Now I know that they sell "Spring Water" or "Tonic Water" but to me, those are different from what I am talking about. I'm talking about Aquafuckingfina and all those cunts.

Now we are lead to believe that because they are selling this water(At a pretty high price I might add) our tap water isn't as good.
In fact because of the pollution right now its generally pretty dirty right?
Sure, I guess that makes sense. Well not to me.

This is what I think(It is my blog after all).

I think that the tap water is just fine and that these bastards are capitalizing on a natural resource. Now don't get me wrong, I know some places on this planet have absolutely filthy or undrinkable water, but I'm not talking about those places. I'm mainly talking about Canada and the U.S.

To me, tap water tastes fine, granted that some tastes different from others depending on where you go. I don't know, maybe its the lack of perception on my tongues part(Although many women would contest otherwise ;)) but it tastes ok to me. Not only that but there isn't anything wrong with me at present, and least nothing caused by tap water.

Its Free Bitches! Water is free at home! I think its just fine.

We are lead to believe though that our water supply is rather disgusting, hell I know some people that won't even drink tap water at all. I know that the water isn't perfect, and that some has been polluted, but think about this.

If they can Purify water and sell it, then they can purify the tap water if they put their minds to it. The only reason they don't is because people are greedy. Sure, if you want to sell your own brand of water, claiming its different, why not right? If people are stupid enough to buy it I suppose they deserve to lose their money.

Still, Capitalizing on water, a natural thing that covers most of the planet, is a bit shady, in my opinion. I have never bought the stuff. I was always told as a kid, when I was out and I wanted to buy some juice, or pop, that there is water at home. Well guess what, THERE IS and it's really not all that bad.

Quit giving the greedy bastards your money for something that is everywhere. Next thing you know there will be cans of "Fresh Air" on the shelves. "Pure, crisp and clean air! Purified to perfection! Have at least a can a day for your good health! Now with a FREE INHALER with EVERY CAN!"

Let me tell you something people, instead of getting rich lets use some of that purifying technology to help the planet out. If you want to make the bling, invent a soda or something. There are people around the world that don't even have drinkable water that need it more than your yuppy ass!

Maybe drinking water with stuff in it will, oh I don't know, help us become stronger over time! Its evolution bitches!

Perhaps I'm wrong, but I don't think so.

Drink Up!


Blogger kibilz said...

Sad part is the bottled water you talk about is really nothing more than bottled tap water with the so called pure water only amounting to a % of the actual bottle.

You also make a very good point about companies "capitalizing" on the water supply. What should scare the hell out of everyone is the idea of privitizing the public water supply so it can be sold for a profit.

Is water a human right or is it something to be owned?

2:17 AM  
Blogger Fictional Correspondant said...

That basicly solidifies my point. I'm not suprised at all.

As far as owning water is concerned, I think as Humans we have a choice. Owning it basicly says"This is MINE, and not YOURS" which in my opinion is fine if you create something, but things like water and land, no i don't agree with owning it.

We can certainly do it yes but does it help? Ask the Natives and see what they think.

5:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually I have started my own bottled water company. I purify it through the natural filter that is my own body. It has some slight colouration to it but I feel you will enjoy it. I do urge you to try it. Only $5 a bottle or $95 for a case of twelve.


4:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So what your saying is that if and when you get crypto -speridum (or however you spell it) in your water supply, you would still drink the water. How about when you are out. Dying of thirst, yes, why don't we just drink pop and increase our sugar levels, which in turn will make you even more dehydrated, yes. SOunds like you really know what you are talking about. Man, the shit they put on the net.

11:30 AM  
Blogger Rimmy said...

Yeah, cryptosporidium is a problem. A little education:

Cryptosporidium is a parasite that's commonly found in lakes and rivers, especially when the water is contaminated with sewage and animal wastes. It's easy to manage, but hard to destroy.

The symptoms include diarrhea, nausea, and stomach cramps. That's IT.

If you're immunocompromised, it can be more serious and you can die. Such people of course have to be careful of lots of things.

The trouble is that nobody knows if you can also become a host to cryptosporidium via exposure to infected people or animals, sex involving contact feces, eating contaminated food, or accidentally swallowing contaminated lake/river water.

So that you understand, filtered bottled water does NOT remove the parasite.

Dying of thirst? Where are you going to be in the world that you're dying of thirst and bottled water is more accessible than domestic water? Not to mention that the largest incredient in juice and pop is... water!

The shit they put on the net indeed. Your comment has flies practicing runway maneuvers.

3:40 PM  
Blogger Fictional Correspondant said...

Yeah Opinionised, its not like humans would sell normal water in bottles, call it clean, and then make a profit would they?

Hell no, Who would be that devious?!

Its not like you can take water and clean it by BOILING IT FOR FREE!!!


3:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lets see here, since you obviously seem to think that you know everything. The germs that you can get from any fountain, or the germs contaminated in the water aren't just boiled away. Trust me. As for being out in public, yeah I usually carry around a stove for boiling purposes (Which doesn't clear everything.) As for just bottled up tap water, Think again, Maybe you need to go work for a water company its usually from the springs You know before idiots like yourself can shit in it. Oh wait you decid how to tell others how to do their job. Yes, being immune-compromised is indeed an issue for some. But, for those people tap water is an issue. To think that tap water is usally from the lake, wells etc. Yeah, I know a whole bunch of people/animals that do or know of someone who like to use it as their personal toilet, for sex purposes, or a homeless persons clean up area. So proven, that even the cleanest of our systems can't completly keep it clean or healthy. Fictional Correspondant and Rimmy so to speak, obviously that would explain your desire to complain about anything and everything that to you makes no sense. Walk in someone elses shoes, or think of someone other then yourself. Maybe then you might grow up enough to understand why people do what they do. Oh that right your both raving lunatics, that we can agree on.

10:39 PM  
Blogger Rimmy said...

Some definitions, just for fun:

Main Entry: blog
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: an online diary; a personal chronological log of thoughts published on a web page
Example: Typically updated daily, blogs often reflect the personality of the author
Etymology: shortened form of Weblog

carping (adj): to find fault in a disagreeable way, complain fretfully, naggingly critical or complaining

bitch (noun; offensive): a woman considered to be spiteful or overbearing

Because settling terms is always helpful. :)

11:20 PM  
Blogger Fictional Correspondant said...

Well, I know during my raving luny rant,(Isn't that a burn, anyone that knows me knows I'm a few cards short of a deck, and it IS stated on my blog title tag line) I did say that "I could be wrong, but I don't think so"

I don't think that passes off as thinking I know everything, but to put the record Straight, I do, and you're wrong.

Deal with THAT argument....who ever you are..... ;)

You know that blogs are opinions right? I hope so. So it doesn't constitute right or wrong, at least I don't think so.

Did you read the links that my friend Kibilz left? I did, and maybe you should before you spout out your very zealous opinion.

But I allow comments on this thing, so Its my fault after all, and on top of that, my profile says who I am, and its easy to speak your mind and argue with some one when they don't know who you are.

Each to their own I say.

As far as Butterflies question on who are members of the ODS are, I don't think there are members per say.

I've seen mistakes made in the past, and in my opinion I see them being repeated. I also see the disfunction that these mistakes spawned.

But I've made my point earlier, and thats as far as I'm going to go. There is nothing more to say for me, I was stretching the limit saying anything in the first place, but if a close friend is hurt, I hurt aswell. I'm sure all of you could say the same if you were in a situation similar.

Again I say(for the last time) that I want nothing more than to be proved wrong about the whole wedding afair. If my cousin is happy, then when the emotions die down, I have no choice than to be happy for him.

Peace Out Bitches.


People are like slinkies, they arent much good for anything as a whole but it still brings a smile to my face when I push em down the stairs :D

1:32 AM  
Blogger Fictional Correspondant said...

On another note while I'm thinking about it, This whole thing started out with me having a theory that bottled water is a scam, and ended with me being called an idiot....

hmmm, where in the history books have we seen THAT before...

1:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The sad part of this whole thing, is yes, I don't know you from a hole in the wall, this started out as me just researching personal blog sites, as to figure out what shit people really put on the net. See when you have nothing better to do, its always fun to light a fire under someones ass. I understand that blogs are someones personal page to be putting there opinions, however, if you don't want people to argue with your opinion then don't put comments down. Hence your choice of words to put down that it was your fault to put comments on. I agree. However, you don't know me, and judging by the rude comments, before you pissed me off. You think I am a women. Well I guess when people assume that makes an ass out of u and me. I am sure that you have heard that one before. As for trying to put me in the same category as your apparently disfunctional family, that I strongly disagree with. The whole purpose of this exercise was to put a different view point on peoples blogs. But certain blogs have been the most fun. As the people in these blogs seem to only view things on a negative impact, and there by needing someone, either a close friend, or another netter, to help post these's antics as something worthy, of being so upset about or even mentioning. Seems like the fire under your but hit a soft spot, requiring you to get bak up assistance in dealing with it. Seems like you have nothing better to talk about then to make up your own opinion of how the world sucks You seem to use your words decisivly, without considering that maybe you don't know all of what happened. in your last entry You quoted saying that there were more sides then two, well seems to be like you are only seeing your friends side, and not your cousins. Doesn't that make you part of the Family Dark Side that you were talking about. That maybe you are only choosing to view Rimmy's side on this. I bet you haven't even talked to your cousin. If this is even a real issue. Because the rest of the site's enteries are more of what you have done, especially with your gaming. I take it that is what you are really into, but judging by the way you seem to respond to this game, it is one that I am no longer going to allow my neices and nephews to play. The rest seems nonsense With your water thing, well that was just fun, as for your family, its like you are hoping that your cousin will read it rather then you talk in person to disguse your feelings. Blogs are usually used to help others understand one, not make it abundantly clear that a few need help or that people only see things they way that they were brought up to see. As for insulting you by calling you a lunatic. That wasn't meant to offend, and if it did you shouldn't have said it under your name. The best part of this whole thing was to realize that when you challenge someones opinion they get right pissed off, maybe there are some control issues there. Well this was fun, but my job is done. and know I think I must bow out, before we both start taking this thing personally. But one last note, if your family issues are so big, deal with them, or you to will become part of that ODS thing you were talking about. At least judging by your comments, you seem pretty dark as it is.

2:22 PM  
Blogger Fictional Correspondant said...

I know one of the points of MY blog is to vent, that in itself is pretty self explanitory, another reason is to have my opinions challenged. I like it, I know not everyone is going to agree with me. I say something, someone agree's, or doesn't. It promots thinking, and thats a good thing all round.

As far as thinking you're a woman, I don't really remember saying that...I don't see it in my blog or in any of MY comments thus far...

I never included you in my disfunctional family, that was a reply to a comment in an earlier post by someone called Butterfly Von.

As far as Rimmy and my cousin is concerned, I talked to all the parties invloved(I guess its not your business, but from the long replies I get from you I'm guessing you're curious) I even told my cousin my thoughts before it all started, but here I go talking about something I said I would shut up about :P

No worries about the insults, like I said I fully endorse that I'm pretty crazy some times.

I like people challenging my opinions because as I said above it gets people thinking, and I encourage you to keep on reading and leaving your opinion if you like. It's all up to you.
But I havent thrown any insults this whole time, and if you want to be bright about the whole thing you don't have to throw them either, but you did:P. Its not about right or wrong to me, its my opinion, period.

There's lots of positivity on my blog if you know where to look.;)

I sing.

I dance.

I play ping pong with penguins.

Happy Hunting, and good luck on your future research :)

6:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are perfectly within your right to believe that your cousin and his new family are at risk! You really don't have anything positive to relate it to! However there are some who are in the know who can 'break the mold'. Hopefully they will be one of those! They do have a cheering section, so to speak!

You can contribute to the work by sending your positive vibs (only if you really mean it), and who knows??!!
Butterfly Von

9:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Uhhhh....My head hurts from attempting to plod through the atrocious spelling and grammar of 'Opinionated'. I think I should definitely make a call to Detective Whogivesafuck to sort out this one.
Did I mention I have naturally filtered, bottled water for sale? $5 a bottle. A real deal to be had here!
Keep on "keepin' it natural" Fictional Correspondent!

3:24 AM  
Blogger Fictional Correspondant said...

I wish I had more I could give that spelling, FOUR THUMBS DOWN!!!! HAHAHAHA!!!


10:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


4:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bottled water is alot easier to you to pour all over you,although that water coming out of the shower head.........

11:29 PM  

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